The Babe of the Week for June 17, 2012 was Rosie O'Donnell:
The Babe of the Week for June 10, 2012 was Maria Sharapova:
The Babe of the Week for June 3, 2012 was Hot Men:
The Babe of the Week for May 27, 2012 was Charlize Theron:
The Babe of the Week for May 20, 2012 was Brooklyn Decker:
The Babe of the Week for May 13, 2012 was Bristol Palin
The Babe of the Week for May 6, 2012 was Eva Green:
On April 29, 2012 we held the first annual IWS Babe Draft. Sofia Vergara was the #1 overall pick, but the draft was full of great babe!
Babe of the Week for April 22, 2012 was Julia Louis-Dreyfus:
April 15, 2012...
When in the course of human events, it be---, blah, blah, blah...
Over the year plus of this website, and longer on the IWS Radio Show, we have propped up, and sang praises to many beautiful women, however this week?
We want to sing the praises of an everyday woman. A chick who just finds Jayman and myself funny, incredibly charming, and hopefully, HOT!!
I am of course talking about I'm With Stupid's initial Mizz July 4th Independence Day Hottie of 2011, Tamra...
She's not just hot either, she's pretty as hell...well she's prettier than uber woman Ann Romney anyway, and she works...without a net or a staff of fifty...
Tamra practices good hygiene, which is important to us here at I'm With Stupid. She reminds Jay and Matt-Man to brush their teeth and comb their hair....Well, to remind Jayman to comb his hair. Matt-Man? Not so much...
Oh yeahhhhhhh...Mizz Tamra...Our initial 4th of July Woman, and a chick that keeps settin' off fireworks in our private areas everyday.
She is hot, sweet, and completely awesome.
Here's to Tamra, and here's to the upcoming IWS Radio Show.
Matt and Jay will be riflinfg through their local papers today at Noon ET on I'm With Stupid. It will be like sitting on the porch with Andy Taylor and Barney Fife.
Join them by listening and/or calling in at 661.244.9852 for a laid back, homespun affair today at Noon ET by clicking HERE.
Oh I forgot...there's a bonus picture...

Babe of the Week for October 16, 2011 was Hayden Panettiere! You can read all about here and see even more HAWT pics of her RIGHT HERE!
Week of October 9, 2011
This week, the staff here at IWS is proud to name Anna Kournikova as our latest Babe of the Week! Anna is best known as one of the great tennis players of all time. Okay, actually she’s known for being more of a celebrity than a tennis player. But, she really was pretty damn good.
And, in keeping with the funny theme this week, I’m With Stupid has named Sarah Silverman our Babe of the Week! Sarah is one of the funniest, and hottest, comedians ever. Sarah is known for rather brash humor and her willingness to hit on controversial topics such as race, sex and religion. We here at I’m With Stupid support this and welcome Sarah to her rightful place as BotW
The entire staff of the I’m With Stupid Media Empire would like to send out our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Amy Winehouse. Amy passed away yesterday tragically and we are all just devastated by her passing. We discussed it and we felt that the best way to show how much we’ll miss Amy would be to name her this week’s IWS Babe of the Week.
IWS Radio is proud to launch our first installment of “Babe of the Week” Something we'll do every Sunday. Probably.
The Babe of the Week for June 10, 2012 was Maria Sharapova:
The Babe of the Week for June 3, 2012 was Hot Men:
The Babe of the Week for May 27, 2012 was Charlize Theron:
The Babe of the Week for May 20, 2012 was Brooklyn Decker:
The Babe of the Week for May 13, 2012 was Bristol Palin
The Babe of the Week for May 6, 2012 was Eva Green:
On April 29, 2012 we held the first annual IWS Babe Draft. Sofia Vergara was the #1 overall pick, but the draft was full of great babe!
Babe of the Week for April 22, 2012 was Julia Louis-Dreyfus:
April 15, 2012...
When in the course of human events, it be---, blah, blah, blah...
Over the year plus of this website, and longer on the IWS Radio Show, we have propped up, and sang praises to many beautiful women, however this week?
We want to sing the praises of an everyday woman. A chick who just finds Jayman and myself funny, incredibly charming, and hopefully, HOT!!
I am of course talking about I'm With Stupid's initial Mizz July 4th Independence Day Hottie of 2011, Tamra...
She's not just hot either, she's pretty as hell...well she's prettier than uber woman Ann Romney anyway, and she works...without a net or a staff of fifty...
Tamra practices good hygiene, which is important to us here at I'm With Stupid. She reminds Jay and Matt-Man to brush their teeth and comb their hair....Well, to remind Jayman to comb his hair. Matt-Man? Not so much...
Do you ever get that feeling that you can't decide what to do? Like you're standing in the middle of the road? Tamra evidently did once, but let me tell ya, she looks good while doing so...
And while Tamra is a fun-loving woman, she can get a bit "attitudinal" when being followed by assholes. That's why for the life of us, we can't understand why she likes Jay and Matt...
And the funny thing? Matt-Man has never been a fan of, The Ramones, and now he is FAN #1...What's up with that?
And of course, when our radio show was mentioned in Internet Radio Today, who did we ask to appear? That's right...Mizzzzzzzz Tamra...
Oh yeahhhhhhh...Mizz Tamra...Our initial 4th of July Woman, and a chick that keeps settin' off fireworks in our private areas everyday.
She is hot, sweet, and completely awesome.
Here's to Tamra, and here's to the upcoming IWS Radio Show.
Matt and Jay will be riflinfg through their local papers today at Noon ET on I'm With Stupid. It will be like sitting on the porch with Andy Taylor and Barney Fife.
Join them by listening and/or calling in at 661.244.9852 for a laid back, homespun affair today at Noon ET by clicking HERE.
Oh I forgot...there's a bonus picture...

Our Babe(s) of the week for the week of March 18, 2012 was "Irish Ladies"
For March 11, 2012 IWS celebrated Pamela Anderson and Alyssa Milano as our Babe(s) of the Week:
For March 4, 2012 IWS celebrated Adrianne Curry as our Babe of the Week:
For Feb 25, 2012 IWS celebrated 80s Babes for our Babe of the Week:
For Feb 11, 2012 IWS celebrated The Best Celebrity Boobies as our Babe of the Week:
On Feb. 4, 2012 IWS celebrated Black History Month by naming actress, writer, comedian, podcaster Aisha Tyler our Babe of the Week
The IWS Babe of the Week for January 28, 2012 was a collection of Classic Beauties! Check out the ladies that set the standard for sexiness and beauty!
The IWS Babe of the Week for January 8, 2012 was Jessica Biel!! Check out our celebration of her RIGHT HERE!
The IWS Babe of the Week for November 13, 2011 was Rihanna! Check out her pics and our very loving and admiring write up RIGHT HERE!
The IWS Babe of the week for November 6, 2011 is a celebration of Hot Women of Politics like German Parliament Member, Julia Bonk...To check out the others, visit by clicking HERE.
The IWS Babe of the Week for Sunday October 30, 2011 was a celebration of sexy celebrity Halloween costumes like this Adrianne Curry as Aeon Flux sexiness! So, check out all the others!
For March 11, 2012 IWS celebrated Pamela Anderson and Alyssa Milano as our Babe(s) of the Week:
For March 4, 2012 IWS celebrated Adrianne Curry as our Babe of the Week:
For Feb 25, 2012 IWS celebrated 80s Babes for our Babe of the Week:
For Feb 11, 2012 IWS celebrated The Best Celebrity Boobies as our Babe of the Week:
On Feb. 4, 2012 IWS celebrated Black History Month by naming actress, writer, comedian, podcaster Aisha Tyler our Babe of the Week
The IWS Babe of the Week for January 28, 2012 was a collection of Classic Beauties! Check out the ladies that set the standard for sexiness and beauty!
The IWS Babe of the Week for January 8, 2012 was Jessica Biel!! Check out our celebration of her RIGHT HERE!
The IWS Babe of the Week for November 13, 2011 was Rihanna! Check out her pics and our very loving and admiring write up RIGHT HERE!
The IWS Babe of the week for November 6, 2011 is a celebration of Hot Women of Politics like German Parliament Member, Julia Bonk...To check out the others, visit by clicking HERE.
The IWS Babe of the Week for Sunday October 30, 2011 was a celebration of sexy celebrity Halloween costumes like this Adrianne Curry as Aeon Flux sexiness! So, check out all the others!
Week of October 9, 2011
Happy Yom Kippur, my knishes!!
Last night at sundown, Jews across the globe were moaning and atoning all over the place, as was I. Well…
I was moaning anyway, because I was stroking my shofar to this picture of this week’s IWS Babe of the Week…
Ah Yes…Bar Refaeli the Uber-Hot Israeli.
I would love her to go all IDF on me and smack me down like Palestinian troublemaker, and much like the Palestinians do, I would eat nothing but dirt if that’s what it would take to make peace with her.
Anyway…to all our Jewish friends we say Shalom, Mozel Tov, and here’s to Mizz Raefeli, the most Hebrewlicious woman in the world Bar none.
Last night at sundown, Jews across the globe were moaning and atoning all over the place, as was I. Well…
I was moaning anyway, because I was stroking my shofar to this picture of this week’s IWS Babe of the Week…
Ah Yes…Bar Refaeli the Uber-Hot Israeli.
I would love her to go all IDF on me and smack me down like Palestinian troublemaker, and much like the Palestinians do, I would eat nothing but dirt if that’s what it would take to make peace with her.
Anyway…to all our Jewish friends we say Shalom, Mozel Tov, and here’s to Mizz Raefeli, the most Hebrewlicious woman in the world Bar none.
You loved her as Dee Davenport in Clueless and many other roles on the screen both large and small, now all of these years later, Stacey Dash is 45 and hotter than ever...
Long luscious legs, piercing blue eyes, and even hotter than that? She just recently got divorced from her beatin', hatin' hubster.
And really, can you blame her? His name is Emmanuel Xuereb, for Godsakes. What the hell kind of name is that?
So anyway, here's to's time for me to make a Dash fo her ass, shorrrrrrtay!!
And while I am, out on the search for Stacey, you can listen to the I'm With Stupid, Haters Gonna Hate Show that we did last night. It was epic and Jayman and I along with Dick Burns, Slyder Blazcock, and caller Mizz Dana shone the light on the hate.
Long luscious legs, piercing blue eyes, and even hotter than that? She just recently got divorced from her beatin', hatin' hubster.
And really, can you blame her? His name is Emmanuel Xuereb, for Godsakes. What the hell kind of name is that?
So anyway, here's to's time for me to make a Dash fo her ass, shorrrrrrtay!!
And while I am, out on the search for Stacey, you can listen to the I'm With Stupid, Haters Gonna Hate Show that we did last night. It was epic and Jayman and I along with Dick Burns, Slyder Blazcock, and caller Mizz Dana shone the light on the hate.
This week, the staff here at IWS is proud to name Anna Kournikova as our latest Babe of the Week! Anna is best known as one of the great tennis players of all time. Okay, actually she’s known for being more of a celebrity than a tennis player. But, she really was pretty damn good.
She was ranked as high as 8th as a singles player and was, for a while, the number ONE female doubles player in the world. Boy would I love to play doubles with her myself. I’d definitely love to return her serve, if you know what I mean.
As hard as it is to believe, Anna is only 30 years old and has moved onto a new chapter in her life. She is now one of the trainers on the hit TV show The Biggest Loser. You know, it actually kind of makes me feel kind of dirty realizing how young she was when she burst onto the scene back in the day. A little like Jennifer Love Hewitt. But, it’s okay because I like that feeling.
Anyway, congrats to the lovely and talented Anna Kournikova for being named Babe of the Week!
And, in keeping with the funny theme this week, I’m With Stupid has named Sarah Silverman our Babe of the Week! Sarah is one of the funniest, and hottest, comedians ever. Sarah is known for rather brash humor and her willingness to hit on controversial topics such as race, sex and religion. We here at I’m With Stupid support this and welcome Sarah to her rightful place as BotW
The entire staff of the I’m With Stupid Media Empire would like to send out our most heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Amy Winehouse. Amy passed away yesterday tragically and we are all just devastated by her passing. We discussed it and we felt that the best way to show how much we’ll miss Amy would be to name her this week’s IWS Babe of the Week.
R.I.P. Amy. You will be sorely missed.
Anyway, I know what you're thinking. You're sitting there saying to yourself “Oh boy! Here it comes. They're gonna pick some popular little teenybopper like maybe Avril Lavigne or even Brittany Spears or some other barely legal size 2 bitch that's super popular. Then they'll put a pic of her on here and name it something like Avril Lavigne Naked just for page views.” Or maybe you're thinking “It'll be someone who's popularity is rising and thus gets a lot of search engine hits like Grace Potter.” (ed note: RAWR!)
Well, once again you underestimate us! It's our secret weapon you know. Oh no people. Since we talked music this week, we're going with one of the greatest rocker chicks of all time. One who also has one of the sexiest voices of all time. One with actual talent! Why? Because we all know that talent is sexy as hell.
The inaugural BotW is none other than Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders:
And here's Chrissie doing her version of “Creep” which I'm sure she dedicated to Matt-Man and Jayman:
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