Jay was, for many years, a hit man for the Israeli Mafia while simultaneously acting as a mole for the Mexican Mafia. An amazing feat given given that he is neither Jewish nor Mexican. But, his love of both Jewish and Mexican women gave him the opportunity to gain the skills he needed. Jay's cover was blown one day when Israeli super spy Ari “Wizzy” Weizenburg just happened to catch Jay enjoying tamales and tlayudas which could only have come from the old country. And both men knew instantly what that meant.
After a harrowing chase through the streets of Haifa and out into the Israeli countryside, Jay finally gave Wizzy the slip and escaped into the occupied territories and then on to Lebanon. From there he made his way to Turkey and onto mainland Europe. Aided by Lithuanian Gypsies who were on holiday on the Italian Riviera, Jay was finally able to make his way back to America where he hid out in the strip clubs of Missouri and then Texas for several years.
Once they realized that the only thing that Jay ever gave the Mexican's was a fabulous Matzoh Ball Soup recipe, the Israeli Mafia rescinded the hit on him and Jay was free to live his life in the open again. It was at this point that Jayman returned to God's Country of northern Arkansas to entertain the masses through his wildly popular and critically acclaimed blog originally named Cynical_Bastard, which was changed to Every Day Jay in a desperate and failed attempt to remake the blog and hold onto readers.
Jay now lives in a luxury apartment overlooking a world class golf course and is writer, co-host and executive producer of the very highly rated and award-winning “I'mWith Stupid” internet radio show AND assistant editor of the “I'm With Stupid” humor blog. He can also be found on Twitter, Facebook and his own Tumblr blog. You can email Jay at jayman3768@gmail.com.

After being released from the Genghis Khan Yak Shearing and Birthing Center, the trio returned to their home in Bagwine, Ohio and Matt-Man grew up with his parents and eight siblings.
Growing up in an Irish-Catholic household with devout parents and brother and sisters of varying degrees of mental illness and devotion to the Pope, formed what is today the foundation of his essence…
A love for Notre Dame football, and a loathing of confessionals and salmon patties.
After an exemplary performance in his elementary and secondary education years, he fell into obscurity at Bowling Green State University, however…
One day after catching Benny Hinn on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, he transferred to Bob Jones University and obtained a B.S. in Guerilla Proselytizing.
After three years of criss-crossing the country and affixing messages that read: John 3:16, to bottles of booze, condom machines, and the hands of sports fans in rainbow wigs, he tossed his label maker aside, moved back to Bagwine, Ohio, and got married.
Upon helping to produce a wonderful baby boy and more than helping to run said marriage into the dirt, he yearned for that sui generis type of experience that would define him.
One morning just before the sun came up, and just after he had downed a fifth of Wild Irish Rose, Jesus spoke to him and said, “I am the light, and the way, and only if you blog and drink will you come to know me and my uber-coolness.”
So in May of 2006, that is exactly what Matt-Man began to do, and…he hasn’t looked back.
Today, Matt-Man lives in Bagwine, Ohio with his BFF/OSP Schmoop under close security due to over zealous bill collectors and DNA sample collectors.
He is the founder and writer of the award winning website, Bagwine Ruminations where he remains Editor-in-Chief, and is also a producer, writer, and co-host of the widely acclaimed internet radio show, I’m With Stupid.
He is also co-author and editor of this here I’m With Stupid site, and when not mocking others, quite an affable fellow.
In addition to the Centers for Disease Control database, you can find out more and connect with Matt-Man on his Twitter and Facebook pages. You can also e-mail him at : mattmaniws@ymail.com
Happy 21st Birthday Jay. You ROCK. Sorry I missed your call
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That's so sad.
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