What IWS Fans Are Saying

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Jayman's Vote: None of the Above

Hola voters! Well, it’s finally time for me to finally decide for whom I’m going to vote for president. For most people it’s a very simple decision to make. Most people will simply vote for the person with the “D” or the “R” next to his name. Many others are single issue voters and vote only for the “pro-life” or “pro-choice” candidate.

On a side note, did you see the slime that Tom Friedman spewed in his column in the New York Times? The one about where he talks about the “extreme” positions of many republicans when it comes to rape and abortion? While I don’t disagree with him, I find it disgusting that the man who cheered on the Iraq War, the Drone killings and any and all slaughtering of innocent lives in the Middle East wants to lecture anyone on the “Sanctity of Life.” What an incredible hypocrite.

In fact, this very subject is why I’ve been so torn about whom to vote for. Normally, given the fact that he has basically done what he promised to do, voting for Obama again should be pretty easy. Look, the reality of it is that Obama hasn’t been that bad. The economy sucks, but it is improving albeit not as fast as we would all hope. And, given the absolute refusal of the republicans to cooperate any little bit at all, (and the cowardly actions of many democrats) what Obama has accomplished has been quite impressive.

But, there are other things that aren’t so defensible. Obama is a fairly weak and ineffectual leader and has continued the truly monstrous drone program that has literally slaughtered hundreds, maybe thousands of innocent people, mostly women and children. He continues and has even expanded the warrantless surveillance program spying on American citizens. He has not made any move to do away with the most disturbing and authoritarian parts of the Patriot Act. He hasn’t closed Gitmo. And, most disturbingly he has a “secret” Kill List where names of people, including American citizens marked for assassination without any consideration of due process.

What mostly infuriates me about these things isn’t really that Obama continued those programs that were started under George W Bush. No, what pisses me off is the way that liberals and democrats suddenly are no longer appalled by these immoral and extra-constitutional actions simply because THEIR GUY is the one doing it. That’s just outrageous and I don’t know how they look themselves in the mirror.

As for Mitt Romney … What else is left to say? Mitt is, without a doubt, the worst human being to run for president since Richard Nixon. He is an extraordinarily dishonest man running for any office I have ever seen. He has no core principals or beliefs. He’s more than happy, without any hint of shame, to change his position on any issue at any time. I’m not just talking about the completely opposite positions he takes on most issues today than he did when he was governor of Massachusetts. I’m talking about his taking opposite positions on issues from one day to the next!

Virtually every position Mitt Romney took during the debates is the opposite of what he has been campaigning on. The best example of this was after a year of criticizing Obama for having a set date for withdrawal from Afghanistan, he suddenly claimed he supported it. Hell, he might as well have spent that entire debate saying “ME TOO!!” That’s just one example, but the list is so very long. There was also his “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt” op-ed which has astonishingly evolved into his taking credit for the auto bailout. And then there’s the weekly flip-flopping and obfuscation on Roe v Wade, taxes, defense spending, FEMA, Medicare, Social Security and everything else. And all those things I said that keeps me from voting for Obama? Romney would continue and even expand them too. Not to mention that they will both continue and even expand the ridiculous War on Drugs crap.

Romney is just a complete fraud. As Matt-Man likes to say, “Romney has no soul.” I think that describes him best.

So what am I gonna do when I get into that booth? Well, if we were required to choose between Obama and Romney, the only real choice would be Obama based simply on the fact that he’s not the lying scumbag that Romney is. But, I’m going to take a stand. I’m going to engage in a one man protest. For the first time in my life I’m going to leave the Presidential section of my ballot blank. There is no “None of the Above” option on our ballot, but that’s how I’m voting.



I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman, you are a man of principle, and I like that you waver to no Super PAC nor candidate. YOU, my good man, ARE the MAN. Cheers Jayman!!


Dana said...

Awwww ... our little Jay is growing up! I seem to remember ... about 4 years ago ... nahhhhh ... I'll let it go!

I voted Tuesday, and I didn't vote D or R either, but I did vote for a Presidential candidate :)

I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: I don't like to have to stand on principal too often. It makes me uncomfortable.


I'm With Stupid said...

Dana: Oh my vote for Obama 4 years was the right vote. I'm totally comfortable with that. And, if I was forced to choose between Romney and Obama, voting for Obama would be the right vote again. This is a special situation that may or may not ever happen again.


Jo said...

I'm still having trouble facing the reality that Mitt is a candidate. I voted for Obama.

Mike said...

I think there may be a drone flying over your apartment. Be careful how you vote.