What IWS Fans Are Saying

Friday, November 2, 2012

Matt-Man's Vote: Gary Johnson

Cheers Bitches…

As Jayman eloquently stated in print, his preference and endorsement for President yesterday was "none of the above", I, the Matt-Man am here today with my preference and endorsement as to whom I think should be President for the next four years.

Yesterday, Jayman set forth his principles and reasoning which resulted in a well-thought out de facto, “none of the above”vote, which I honor and understand, I however?

While close to doing the same, I am actually going to vote for a candidate for President of the United States.

I am going to be voting for the Libertarian Presidential candidate, former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson (R-NM).

“Wait a second Mr. Matt-Man, you say...He can’t win?”

Of course he can’t.

There’s no way in Hell he can win.

Rosie O’Donnell has a better chance of winning a non-lesbian beauty contest than Gary Johnson has winning the Presidency, however…

While some of you may consider the casting of my ballot a protest vote, I consider it more of a wake up vote.

And, I consider it my flash card to you that there exist more than two schools of political thought, or non-thought as it were, within this great nation of ours.

I hear Republicans saying, “You must be drinking the Kool-Aid.”

I hear Democrats saying, “You are sheeple.”

You know what?

They are both right, and they are both wrong in defending their own parties instead of defending and promulgating what is best for and about this great nation.

Political Parties suck.

Hell, the Libertarian Party sucks, but at least they are making waves and want to shake up this staid, political landscape.

YOU…The majority of the American electorate suck...and I am not afraid to say that.  You watch MSNBC or FOX News and listen to their bent, and then agree with an empty nod of the head, and/or a "leave me alone and let me agree" feeling .

You see?

Cable news outlets are not there for actual reporting of the news any longer; cable news is there for affirmation and validation of what you already believe.

24/7 cable news stations are your vicodin.  They are your dilaudid…They are your 5 o’clock Gin and Tonic.

And?  That’s what Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are.

They are your 5 o’clock Gin and Tonic, or if you prefer, your beer and a shot, or a glass of Pinot Grigio, or gutter wine.

They are whatever you want them to be, and they know it…and that is what they will always be.

Gary Johnson?

I agree with him and the Libertarian Party maybe fifty percent of the time, and for me, that’s enough, because my vote for him is not really about him nor the Libertarian Party.

My vote for Gary Johnson is clarion call to all of you, to think for yourself.  There are more than two parties in this country.

There are several parties, and best of all, there could be at some point, no parties, or in a perfect world...

There could be over 300 Million different parties in this country, with a myriad of ideas as to what is best for this country, and that is exactly what our country needs.

When monolithic group think is torn down, ideas spring eternal, and seriously...this land has had the tired old two party system long enough.  It's time for new ideas.

Gary Johnson is making that known, and on Tuesday, I shall join him in imparting just that, by voting for him.




I'm With Stupid said...

The civil libertarian in me likes Gary Johnson, but many of the Libertarian Party's ideas are just a bit whack. Gary Johnson is far more acceptable than Ron Paul as the party's representative though.


I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: Same here and if Ron Paul were the candidate, there's no way in hell I'd be endorsing him. Cheers Jayman!!


Dana said...

*brrrrrrrr* Did you feel that chill?? Hell just froze over! You and I voted for the same Presidential candidate!

I'm With Stupid said...

Dana: That's HOT. I'm gonna have a hard on now when I go vote. Cheers Dana!!


Jo said...

I think we can make this country insanely worse by voting for the wrong candidate, and not very much better by voting for anyone else.

It'll get better when it falls apart in ways that make debate less rewarding than cooperation to get things done, or the mob decides to vote "Off with their heads".

Unknown said...

After the hundreds of millions of dollars that the two major dudes have spent trying to get me to like them or hate the other guy, I can't imagine voting for either one of them.

Johnson's not in my minor party of choice, but... Screw the majors.

I'm With Stupid said...

Jo: I would prefer that a military coup take place and install a philosopher king. Cheers Jo!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Katy: Damn right. I am not a huge fan of the Libertarian Party but c'mon...How could you not vote for the fun-filled face of Gary Johnson?

