Happy Thursday all…Matt-Man here. Yeah, I’m here alright, but let me tell you…I’m a little scared.
Why, you ask?
Because yesterday, Florida State Attorney and special prosecutor Angela Corey, announced that George Zimmerman had turned himself in, and had been charged with second degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
From this point on, both George Zimmerman and the family of the late Trayvon Martin will get a free and fair trial.
Well, God Bless Us All…
This will surely end the 24/7 maniacal rantings by the New Black Panthers, Sean Hannity, MSNBC, and you…the every day, go to work kinda guy or gal. Right?
It’s merely the beginning…
Angela Corey on behalf of the State of Florida, charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder, and thankfully set the wheels of true, unemotional, evidence based justice into motion.
Her healing, and well-thought out decision to put George Zimmerman on trial for second degree murder, will soon have an adverse affect on us all as well. Well...at least an adverse effect on me.
What is the Zimmerman Effect of which I speak?
As soon as the trial begins, and probably before, there is going to be speculation out the ass 24/7 about the jurors, the testimony, the demeanor of the judge, and the ultimate effect of the verdict, by assholes who haven’t a clue as to how to even dress or feed themselves.
Every dead, used up, skeletal, one and done, famous lawyer will be dug from up the graveyard of juris prudence in order to provide his or her, “expert insight.”
Every talking head on cable TV and talk radio, such as Hannity, Maddow, Grace, and Limbaugh will meld evidence “as they see it”, into innuendo, conjecture, and ergo, “fact”, thereby either clearing or condemning Zimmerman of murder.
And you know what is even worse for a guy like me…A guy who doesn’t watch a lot of TV, but rather, gets his news and info from internet sources, and interacts often on social media sites..?
Beginning today, I will have to have to endure every person whoever won at Clue and is a lawyer wannabe, every uptight misanthrope who thinks he/she knows what truly happened, and every white and black bigot who is making a stand for their “side” by offering up their evidence, testimony, and trial in one convenient swoop.
I’m not looking forward to this, because this one convenient swoop of speculation is going to last for a few months.
Over the next few months….The Blog Posts…The Tweets…The Facebook posts…Everyone is going to show through their comments, that they have somehow, suddenly and spontaneously graduated from Law School.
It’s going to be brutal.
Listen folks…If you believe in America, you should believe in our judicial system. It’s not perfect, nothing is, but it is pretty good, so I beseech of you…
Could you please, please…allow this trial to run its course. Let the lawyers do the lawyering…Allow the judge to do the judging, and allow a jury of Zimmerman’s peers to find him guilty or not guilty.
If you do not allow these things to transpire, you are not only a simpleton who thinks he or she knows better than everyone else, you hate America, and one more thing…
You will annoy the fuck out of me.
In lighter news...Jayman and I put on an odd show yesterday. We broke down the day's breaking events FOX News Style.
It was interesting and well...interesting.
Give it a listen and of course we'll see you again on the radio Sunday at High Noon ET!!
Why, you ask?
Because yesterday, Florida State Attorney and special prosecutor Angela Corey, announced that George Zimmerman had turned himself in, and had been charged with second degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.
From this point on, both George Zimmerman and the family of the late Trayvon Martin will get a free and fair trial.
Well, God Bless Us All…
This will surely end the 24/7 maniacal rantings by the New Black Panthers, Sean Hannity, MSNBC, and you…the every day, go to work kinda guy or gal. Right?
It’s merely the beginning…
Angela Corey on behalf of the State of Florida, charged George Zimmerman with second degree murder, and thankfully set the wheels of true, unemotional, evidence based justice into motion.
Her healing, and well-thought out decision to put George Zimmerman on trial for second degree murder, will soon have an adverse affect on us all as well. Well...at least an adverse effect on me.
What is the Zimmerman Effect of which I speak?
As soon as the trial begins, and probably before, there is going to be speculation out the ass 24/7 about the jurors, the testimony, the demeanor of the judge, and the ultimate effect of the verdict, by assholes who haven’t a clue as to how to even dress or feed themselves.
Every dead, used up, skeletal, one and done, famous lawyer will be dug from up the graveyard of juris prudence in order to provide his or her, “expert insight.”
Every talking head on cable TV and talk radio, such as Hannity, Maddow, Grace, and Limbaugh will meld evidence “as they see it”, into innuendo, conjecture, and ergo, “fact”, thereby either clearing or condemning Zimmerman of murder.
And you know what is even worse for a guy like me…A guy who doesn’t watch a lot of TV, but rather, gets his news and info from internet sources, and interacts often on social media sites..?
Beginning today, I will have to have to endure every person whoever won at Clue and is a lawyer wannabe, every uptight misanthrope who thinks he/she knows what truly happened, and every white and black bigot who is making a stand for their “side” by offering up their evidence, testimony, and trial in one convenient swoop.
I’m not looking forward to this, because this one convenient swoop of speculation is going to last for a few months.
Over the next few months….The Blog Posts…The Tweets…The Facebook posts…Everyone is going to show through their comments, that they have somehow, suddenly and spontaneously graduated from Law School.
It’s going to be brutal.

Could you please, please…allow this trial to run its course. Let the lawyers do the lawyering…Allow the judge to do the judging, and allow a jury of Zimmerman’s peers to find him guilty or not guilty.
If you do not allow these things to transpire, you are not only a simpleton who thinks he or she knows better than everyone else, you hate America, and one more thing…
You will annoy the fuck out of me.
In lighter news...Jayman and I put on an odd show yesterday. We broke down the day's breaking events FOX News Style.
It was interesting and well...interesting.
Give it a listen and of course we'll see you again on the radio Sunday at High Noon ET!!
Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio
Mike: I don't know Mike. Zimmerman turned himself in without the aid of a white Ford Bronco. Cheers Mike!!
Amen to that. I'd much rather see justice served than hear everyone's 2 cents about it. Now, imagine if they go to trial and this guy is found innocent. The blogsphere will implode with all of those outraged posts!
Beer: Oh no doubt. An innocent verdict will lead to a cacophony of outrage!! However, that's good, because that leads to great comedic material especially when Jesse Jackson breaks out into an unintelligible, Jackie Chiles type diatribe. Cheers Beer!!
Well said! Great job, Matt!! :)
Anony: Thank Ya Thank Ya, Miss. Cheers!!
I'm really hoping the judge refuses to allow the trial to be televised. I know he or show won't, but I can at least hope.
Also, you should be warned that I have a long history of watching Law and Order, LA Law, a few episodes of Harry's Law and most importantly I've seen every single episode of Night Court multiple times.
I *AM* an expert!
Jayman: Ha. And on top of those credentials, you are hating and judgmental. Cheers Jayman!!
The case has really exploded, murder is a little farce though, sounds more like manslaughter.
There you go again with that "hating and judgmental" stuff. I keep telling you to STOP PROJECTING!
Adam: I may agree with you but since I refuse to speculate, I will simply ignore what you said. Chers Adam!!
Jay: I would apologize but as you know, I refuse to make, accept, nor condone apologies. Cheers Jayman!!
oh crap!
and here I was going to put on a judge's robe, some blacface and do a Flip Wilson style detailed commentary on the trial morphing into his Geraldine character halfway through
but I'd hate to annoy you
Di: well now...if you're going to dress up like that, that would be HAWT. Cheers Sexy!!
Big public trials are bad for everyone. I had no idea you'd feel this way, it's wonderful.
I neglected my fake law career bc I only watch enough tv to pursue fake medicine. I'm practically a doctor.
Jo: Ha. You can operate on me anytime, Jo. And unfortunately big public trails are here to stay. There's a lot of time to fill on a lot of 24/7 cable outlets. Cheers Jo!!
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