What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Matt Said Jay Said 3

Matt pops a cork…Jay taps a keg…You celebrate with us.

Matt:  Hiya Chuckles!!
Jay:  What’s up?
Matt:  I’m getting excited about our big 3rd Year Anniversary Show this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET.
Jay:  IKR?  This show is gonna be bigger and hotter than the flames coming out of your ass after eating a can of Beefaroni!!

Matt:  I just had a flashback thank you very much, but you’re right.
Jay:  Man, can you believe it?  Three years of non-stop laughs and top notch journalism.
Matt:  IKR?  It’s like we’re the FOX News of Blog Talk Radio, only we have top notch journalism.

Jay:  True…They could learn a thing or two from us…like being
Matt:  Like what?  FOX News being fair and balanced?  That’s crazy talk!!
Jay:  A man can dream, can’t he?
Matt: I suppose, but let’s try to stay in a relative realm of reality.

Jay:  Word.  So, this anniversary show…the accolades having been pouring into us from many celebs.
Matt:  Oh I know…I received one today from San Diego Mayor Bob Filner.
Jay:  Wow…I have already received congrats from Rick Perry, Roseanne, and Ted Cruz.
Matt:  Freaking awesome.  Dig this Jayman; John McCain sent us THREE statements of kind words!!
Jay:  That’s so cute, but guess what?
Matt:  What?

Jay:  President Obama just now sent us one as well!!
Matt:  Get outta here.
Jay:  If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’!!
Matt:  This is HUGE!!

Jay:  We need to play these and the warm words from others in power, for our loyal audience.
Matt:  We sure as hell will, along with playing our fave files and moments from Season 3.
Jay:  Nothing wrong with a Sunday stroll down Memory Lane.

Matt:  I’m sure Guy Ahnyurdyck, Slyder Balzcock, and maybe even Kim Fragile will chime in.

Jay:  And Joshua, Rev. Moneymaker, Bobby Kraft are probably mixing and mincing up some words.

Matt:  And of course Jayman, you know who truly needs to be involved and celebrated…

Jay:  Damn Right!!  The listeners…who without fail, make us the Number One Comedy show nearly every week.

Matt:  We will have shout out and tributes galore to those fine folks
Jay:  As it should be, and we can touch on what is in store for Season Four.
Matt:  Poetically said Jayman.
Jay:  Rhyming is my Bitch.
Matt:  Word.

Jay:  So let’s get ready to party tomorrow, Sunday August 25th on Blog Talk Radio…
Matt:  As IWS Radio presents its Season 3 Finale LIVE from Noon-2 PM ET.
Jay:  Listen LIVE, hit the Chat Room, and of course Matt-Man…

Matt:  Call-In LIVE at 661.244.9852

Jay:  How do they get to the party, my good man?
Matt:  They can get there by clicking HERE.

Jay and Matt:  Holaaaaaa and Cheeeeeers!!


I'm With Stupid said...

This is going to be the biggest internet radio party of all time!!


jAMiE said...

Will be a fun time for all, cannot wait to be there!

Bring on Sunday, bring on the fun.

I'm With Stupid said...

Jay: We may get arrested for Voluntary Funslaughter. Cheers Jayman!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Jamie: Thanks your wonderfullness and can't wait to spend another Sunday with you. Cheers Jaaaaaamie!!


Mike said...

I may actually set my alarm for this.

I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: If that happens and you are there, this show has just gotten bigger exponentially. Cheers Mike!!
