Last night, I didn't watch the Presidential Town Hall style debate live. Well, not on TV anyway. I never watch debates live on TV any longer.
Sure, I go back and watch the replay on TV, sometimes more than once, but the only way to most enjoyably and in real time, “watch” a Presidential debate, is on Twitter and Facebook.
I tell ya, people. It’s more exciting than it would be to watch a strap-on wearing Scarlett Johansson doing Eva Longoria doggie style in my living room.
Okay, okay…that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but Lordy, Lordy…
Folks on Twitter and Facebook, be they celebrity or average American, certainly know how to oscillate statements made by their candidate of choice and turn a boring diatribe of duality into an overly-frothed milkshake of cyber stupidity and uber-rollicking entertainment.
I swear people. Americans are some of the stupidest, most intellectually rigid, non-thinking for themselves motherfuckers in the world.
Yeah I said, that, and I am even throwing Americans in with stupid, fanatical Muslims who blow people up because they might get laid because of it.
I know, I know…You’re saying:
“Matt-Man, you really believe that overly excitable Americans who are blinded to a political party are just as bad as over-zealous, misinterpreting Muslims who bastardize the Quran?”
Well, minus the killing and murderous tendencies that some of the aforementioned Muslims do, yes, as far as intellect and self-determination goes, yes I am saying just that.
After watching the past two Presidential debates through the virtual eyes of Twitter and Facebook I have but one thing to say…
America? As a people we in general, are fucking stupid, short-sighted, myopic, incurious, and most of all, intellectually lazy.
I was avidly reading all the tweets and Facebook entries during the debate last night, and well…As I was laughing, I was also getting a dry mouth and sore throat due to me sitting here with mouth agape being stupefied by the comments from people over the debate performances.
Sean Hannity was tweeting that this was the greatest debate performance ever by Romney…Ha, Romney got his ass kicked.
Ed Schultz was excitedly jacking off over Obama’s performance during this debate, yet never acknowledged that during the first debate, Obama got his ass kicked by Romney.
Both guys have their heads up their asses, and well, I wish their heads would stay there, so they’d shut the fuck up.
Gregt Gutfeld was adoringly screaming like a schoolgirl on Twitter in hopes that Romney would notice his no-talent ass, and Michael Moore was cheering on Obama while being to the world of journalism what Bartolo Colon is to the world of professional athletes.
And you? The simple, every day voter, tweeter, and Facebook poster?
Forty to Fifty percent of you are no different than the vapid, talking heads that I mentioned.
You, like them…You have preconceived notions, a head full of what others have told you, and no concept of personal thought, of personal reasoning as to who or what is best for this country.
This election like all elections in recent memory, has become merely a sport…a game…a chance to be on the winning side.
I think President Obama, summed this up well, and has caught hell for saying it, but he was right…
“You can’t change Washington from the inside.”
No, no you can’t. Not when the citizens of this country keep electing representatives based upon party rather than the ability to govern.
It’s sad, and knowing how bad it has gotten, we should change the motto on our coins.
We should change the motto from E Pulribus Unum to E Pluribus Stupid.
And Jayman and I will discuss that, and many other things today LIVE at 11 AM ET on IWS Radio which you can catch by clicking HERE.
Sure, I go back and watch the replay on TV, sometimes more than once, but the only way to most enjoyably and in real time, “watch” a Presidential debate, is on Twitter and Facebook.
I tell ya, people. It’s more exciting than it would be to watch a strap-on wearing Scarlett Johansson doing Eva Longoria doggie style in my living room.
Okay, okay…that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but Lordy, Lordy…
Folks on Twitter and Facebook, be they celebrity or average American, certainly know how to oscillate statements made by their candidate of choice and turn a boring diatribe of duality into an overly-frothed milkshake of cyber stupidity and uber-rollicking entertainment.
I swear people. Americans are some of the stupidest, most intellectually rigid, non-thinking for themselves motherfuckers in the world.
Yeah I said, that, and I am even throwing Americans in with stupid, fanatical Muslims who blow people up because they might get laid because of it.
I know, I know…You’re saying:
“Matt-Man, you really believe that overly excitable Americans who are blinded to a political party are just as bad as over-zealous, misinterpreting Muslims who bastardize the Quran?”
Well, minus the killing and murderous tendencies that some of the aforementioned Muslims do, yes, as far as intellect and self-determination goes, yes I am saying just that.
After watching the past two Presidential debates through the virtual eyes of Twitter and Facebook I have but one thing to say…
America? As a people we in general, are fucking stupid, short-sighted, myopic, incurious, and most of all, intellectually lazy.
I was avidly reading all the tweets and Facebook entries during the debate last night, and well…As I was laughing, I was also getting a dry mouth and sore throat due to me sitting here with mouth agape being stupefied by the comments from people over the debate performances.
Sean Hannity was tweeting that this was the greatest debate performance ever by Romney…Ha, Romney got his ass kicked.
Ed Schultz was excitedly jacking off over Obama’s performance during this debate, yet never acknowledged that during the first debate, Obama got his ass kicked by Romney.
Both guys have their heads up their asses, and well, I wish their heads would stay there, so they’d shut the fuck up.
Gregt Gutfeld was adoringly screaming like a schoolgirl on Twitter in hopes that Romney would notice his no-talent ass, and Michael Moore was cheering on Obama while being to the world of journalism what Bartolo Colon is to the world of professional athletes.
And you? The simple, every day voter, tweeter, and Facebook poster?

You, like them…You have preconceived notions, a head full of what others have told you, and no concept of personal thought, of personal reasoning as to who or what is best for this country.
This election like all elections in recent memory, has become merely a sport…a game…a chance to be on the winning side.
I think President Obama, summed this up well, and has caught hell for saying it, but he was right…
“You can’t change Washington from the inside.”
No, no you can’t. Not when the citizens of this country keep electing representatives based upon party rather than the ability to govern.
It’s sad, and knowing how bad it has gotten, we should change the motto on our coins.
We should change the motto from E Pulribus Unum to E Pluribus Stupid.
And Jayman and I will discuss that, and many other things today LIVE at 11 AM ET on IWS Radio which you can catch by clicking HERE.
I felt no need to watch the debate. I will be told what happended a thousand times over for the next week on every news show on earth.
People were all set with their talking points ready to go. Some couldn't even wait until the debate started to tweet a few of 'em.
Mike: I told myself prior to the debate what would happen. I told myself, "People will vote in favor of their self-imposed their labels." Cheers Mike!!
Jayman: "Not a Republican" Hannity was gearing up on the radio today, and he had words of advice for Romney, unfortunately, Romney must have taken them. Hey-Ooooooo. Cheers Jayman!!
Edita: While I am certain that that is true, I can only speak on that which I know. Cheers Edita!!
Beth: I'm down with that. Cheers Schmoop!!
I get you, but at least The Masses are bathing these days and they've stopped putting animal dung on open wounds.
Jo: I have always found animal dung to be very antiseptic. Cheers Jo!!
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