I offer you an insight into my life with following definition alterations. From now on, and throughout the remainder of the Christmas season, these are the rules of the lexicon of sex…
Have Sex = Wrap presents
Having Sex = Wrapping presents
Had Sex = Wrapped presents
To wit, and heretofore is the following…
Back when I was a teen one Christmas Eve, my girlfriend Sherri and I were having sex in my bedroom when my brother Party Marty walked in. He burst out laughing because Sherri and I were so sloppy and bad at having sex.
Unfortunately, when the bastard walked in on us, he not only got a good laugh, he also got a full frontal peak at what she was giving him for Christmas. He left. We finished having sex, and I put a big bow on her box.
During the holiday season, I enjoy going to department stores and watching the young women behind the counter have sex. I don’t know how they do it.
They stand there 8-10 hours a day having sex in front complete strangers. It’s adorable watching the young boys and girls watch the chicks have sex with Daddy’s package.
I guess it is not really a bad gig. I mean having sex for 10 hours and getting paid for it, I may look into that.
When I was a wee lad, I remember one Christmas morn in particular. It was about 4 A.M., and I awoke with a thirst.
I straggled out to the fridge for a drink, and lo and behold, there were my mom and dad furiously having sex on the kitchen floor. Ribbon was flying everywhere, and without stopping, Dad told me to go back to bed.
One thing that always happens to me when having sex is that I run out of tape. It sucks because I can’t get the job done and nothing stays where it should while having sex. It’s really quite frustrating.

Fortunately I had a number of older brothers and sisters who were always eager to lend me a hand. It was so nice of them to help me have sex.
Our family had a great time in those days. Our tightly knit clan would gather together to eat sausage balls, drink eggnog, and have sex as we listened to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing the Hallelujah Chorus over and over. Good times, good times.
Having sex can be one of the most joyous experiences of the holiday season.
And by the way, friends...
We still have a couple of days until Christmas. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by, because I have gotten pretty good at having sex over the years…so if you need help having sex as I once did, I would love to help you have sex too.
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You should set up a table at the mall offering to have sex with random strangers.
Jay: That is my philanthropic dream Jayman. Cheers!!
Internet rule number 34. What ever you can think of, there is porn about it on the internet. At your sex booth don't forget to tie a ribbon around your thingy.
Mike: You're always thinking. Cheers Mike!!
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