What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Matt Said, Jay Said...7576227382

Matt:  Yeah, what do you want?
Jay:  Everything.
Matt:  Well, you won’t find it here.
Jay:  But I am searching for it all.
Matt:  Beat it Mister.

Jay:  Hey now…How you doin’?
Matt:  M’eh…kinda bored.  And you?
Jay:  Just bailing out my personal canoe from all of the rain down here.
Matt:  I saw that.  What a fucking shame.
Jay:  That didn’t sound sincere.
Matt:  It was…I’m just…m’eh.

Jay:  Yeah, I understand.  There’s just nothing going on right now.
Matt:  I know.  Fake football…No big holiday until Labor Day, Congress is in recess.
Jay:  Yeah.  And the middle school girls aren’t back in school yet, and the TV re-runs…Oh Dear God!!
Matt:  So damn boring.

Jay:  This week sucks.  Of course Sunday, the 18th is National Bad Poetry Day.  We can go HAM on that.
Matt:  Oh Hell yeah, and the week after that on the 25th will be our End of Season Three Extravaganza.
Jay: And September 1st will be our Opening of Season Four Extravaganza!!
Matt:  And yet?  We have nothing for this week.
Jay:  I know…man, it’s hard sometimes.

Matt:  That’s why they call this time of year, the Dog Days of Summer.
Jay:  That’s It!!
Matt:  What!?  What’s it!?
Jay:  This week’s show will be called, The Dog Days of Summer!!
Matt:  You are fucking brilliant!!
Jay:  I know, right!?

Matt:  But as we just said…nothing happens during the Dog Days of Summer.
Jay:  Exactly, and that is what we’ll talk about!!
Matt:  We’ll talk about nothing?
Jay:  Yes!!
Matt:  Brilliant!!
Jay:  I think we’ve just one-upped Seinfeld.
Matt:  Damn right…Kramer can suck your dick.
Jay:  I’d prefer if Elaine did it.
Matt:  Brilliant!!

Jay:  Alright then…you, me, Bobby Kraft, Paul Piatt, Bob Barker, and whoever else on our staff wants to chime in, will be there.
Matt:  Along with all of the listeners and callers to our Number One Rated Comedy Show.
Jay:  Damn right.  Even though there is nothing there, we’ll make it something.
Matt:  Word.

Jay:  We are going to build the biggest pile of nothing that has ever been built, this Sunday at Noon ET.
Matt:  And President Obama better not say that we didn’t build it.
Jay:  Damn right.  Talk to you this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET Matt-Man.
Matt:  Ditto Jayman!!

To catch Jay, Matt, and the Dog Days of Summer IWS Radio Show LIVE this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET, you can click right HERE.


I'm With Stupid said...

Oh man ... Elaine ... Mmmmmm


I'm With Stupid said...

Jay: IKR? If only she looked like Megyn Kelly and yet acted like herself? Cheers Jayman!!
