Hola y’all! So, on Monday of this week, Matt-Man did his “People I Can’t Get Enough Of” post. I was going to follow that up on Tuesday with one of my own, but I just wasn’t in the right place emotionally to do it. So, I waited until today.
Also, being a loner means that my list isn’t really that long. Okay, actually there is a very long list of people I can’t get enough of, but I’m not very good at keeping up with people. Even people I very much want in my life and want to be part of their lives. It’s probably my shyness and lack of social skills that causes this. Anyway, here is a list of people that I’m extremely happy they do play a big role in my life and I can’t get enough of on any level.
First is obviously my family. The JayMom, JaySis, JayBro-in-Law. Without them I would probably be either the guy digging through Matt-Man’s dumpster for cans or the guy who keeps setting the Beer Mine’s dumpster on fire. Or both.
Matt-Man and Schmoopalicious. My partners in crime are caring, funny, supportive and all-around decent people. I know you’re surprised by that, but it’s true. They just don’t like to admit it publicly. They both love to talk about being "assholes" and are sarcastic as hell. But, the truth is they both have a heart of gold.

Also, did you see what Angie AKA: Fortune Cookie did? Did you see the IWS pic she made for us? See, that’s what I’m talking about. People on social media can be irritating, stupid, silly, and rude sometimes, but they can also be amazingly cool and thoughtful and supportive. And Angie definitely falls into the amazing, cool and thoughtful category and is one of those people I’m so glad to know even though I don’t know them as well as I should. Thanks babe!
Jo Sequist: Jo is wayyyyyyyyy smarter than me, but doesn’t make a big deal about it. Jo is also wayyyyyyyyyyyy more talented than I am, but doesn’t make a big deal about that either. In fact, she actually acts as if she isn’t a super-talented, magical being. Crazy huh? And, even though sometimes the whole social media thing gets to be a bit too much and she kind of disappears, when she goes *poof* and reappears we just pick up right where we left off having deep discussions about things like building Gingerbread Shanty Towns.
Sweet Pea: Let me tell you guys something. Sweet Pea is crazy. I mean down right “you don’t know what she’s gonna say or do next” crazy. And I love her for it. She’s hilarious, even when she doesn’t mean to be. She is endlessly entertaining and will cheer you up instantly if you talk to her or are around her. Sweet Pea is equal parts an open book for all to read and a total freaking mystery.
Warrior Kat: If you listen to the IWS Podcast, you have heard Kat introduced as my BFF many times. Well, it’s true. She’s not my fake internet girlfriend like Manti Te’o had or still has (it’s all very confusing) she’s a real person and a real friend. She’s loud (Cajun), spicy (Latina), beautiful, smart and funny and has an endless supply of love and compassion and support.
You might notice that my list is full of people who are smarter, funnier, more talented and better looking than me. It’s amazing that they allow me to hang around.
Honorable Mention: The NBA, cheeseburgers, “The Wire,” Rihanna, pizza, college football, air conditioning, tequila, Jennifer Lawrence, “Justified,” podcasts, dice with buddies, sports gambling, Drew Barrymore, Chris Rock, The Rolling Stones, New Orleans Jazz, New Orleans, the beach, Ireland, Dave Attell, 50’s-60’s-70’s-80’s Rock ‘n Roll, Politics, Gangster Movies, trashy reality stars (but not the shows), great legs, and of course, every single one of you guys.
Also, we rocked the house during our “Nothing and Everything” show on IWS. The lovely Dianne (who I’ll never get enough of) called in to hang out with us. It was a good time and you should totally check it out!
And here I thought strippers would head the list and they didn't even make honorable mention.
See, it must be kismet because I've been gone for weeks and when I pop in, BAM, all this lovey goodness steamrolls me! I just love you to pieces! You're actually one of my most favorite people ever.
That...was...so...sweet. Cheers Jayman!!
What? Not even an honorable mention?? Well I never! *stomps feet and leaved the room*
SIDE NOTE - your list might just contain some of the most awesome people ever ;)
Mike: Strippers are very special and don't deserve to be mixed in with everybody else. Or something like that.
Jo: BAM!!!! There you are! ha You totally rock babe.
Matt-Man: IKR??!!
Dana: I was going to list EVERYBODY in the Honorable Mentions, but I knew I would leave someone out and then there would be hell to pay. ha
I notice you said "Some" of the most awesome people ever. Hmmmmm ....
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