Does one really have to be a Christian to celebrate Christmas?
My answer is no…and please, if you will, allow me a moment of your time to ‘splain.
Not too long ago, Bill O’Reilly was interviewing an Atheist, and Bill-O remarked that Christianity was not a religion, but rather a philosophy.
Much humorous scorn was cast upon The O’Reilly of The Mighty Ego for saying that, but you know what?
O’Reilly was right. Well…er…half-right.
Philosophical schools of thought attempt to boil down what is best (or not so good) for humankind in regards to conduct behavior, and the greater good, through the use of critical thought.
Religions do the same, however; religions oft times invoke a person and/or deity as a symbol of their philosophical teachings, and let loose the free radical of anti-philosophy known as, “faith.”
In order to set the record straight for Bill O’Reilly and host of other religious fanatics, the teachings of Jesus are a philosophy.
The worshiping of Jesus, is a religion…and in my opinion, one can celebrate, and have a very fine Christmas regardless of whether they believe in Jesus as the Son of God or not.
And that is where Bill O’Not-Einstein misses the point.
Ol’ pointy head Bill in all his bullying, bluster, and War on Christmas, doesn’t realize that Jesus isn’t the reason for the Season, the reason for the Season is that Roman Christians were morphing the birth of Christ into a replacement for all of the Pagan festivals that transpired around the Winter Solstice.
And ya know? Here’s what people like O’Reilly will never understand…
Does it really matter if one is a Christian or not and believes that Christ was born on December 25th? Does it even matter if one believes in Jesus Christ at all?
Of course it doesn’t.

Namely, The Sermon on the Mount….The Beatitudes, from the Book of Matthew…
the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:3)
those who mourn: for they will be comforted. (5:4)
the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (5:5)
they who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be satisfied. (5:6)
the merciful: for they will be shown mercy. (5:7)
the pure in heart: for they shall see God. (5:8)
the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God. (5:9)
those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (5:10)
If we all took the time to make sure that the Beatitudes were followed, every day would be Christmas Day regardless of what “righteous” being one follows and believes.
Many religions profess to hold the same ideals, but many followers of organized religions get caught up in the, “my dogma is better than yours” crap.
While Bill O’Reilly doesn’t truly believe it, he was right when he said Christianity is a philosophy, and if we were to all adhere to the aforementioned words of Christ, the world would be better off.
I don’t say that matter of factly…I am experiencing that very fact this Christmas.
And to those of you who have helped us out and know what I am saying…God Bless You.
And to all, Have a Very Merry Christmas be it religious, secular, or just good-willed.
Annnnnnnd...To make your Christmas happier, give a listen to Jay and I yukking it up Yuletide style with Dianne from Saturday night...it was a Christmas miracle!!
This is a nice post, but if everyone would just give in and believe what I tell them to believe, things would be nice and peaceful too.
Jayman: Well, yes...That would be the second best option. Cheers Jayman!!
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