What IWS Fans Are Saying

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Jayman Can Suck It

Cheers and allow me to say pedantically, “Hola.”  Ohhh, that's clever!!

Hola?  Really?  A white guy from Arkansas introduces and salutates to all by saying, “Hola?”

That’s like Adolf Hitler greeting Castro by saying, “Здравствуйте"

Anyway…My name is Sally Susman and I am the VP of policy, external affairs, and communications for Pfizer®, which is of course….

THE Big Pharma company that manufactures that magical man drug called, Viagra®.

As one who monitors and controls our communications, let me tell you.  We were so close to offering IWS Radio a 150K/year sponsorship, and then yesterday?

It seems that Jayman talked of what he would do as a benevolent dictator of this country, and you know what?

Jayman said he would kill all TV advertising of male erection medicines because those ads are “creepy.”

Well, we here at Pfizer® are largely proud of Viagra® and at this time have more than a bit of hard-on over Jayman’s comments.

It was as though he was sticking his disdain for our right to free speech up our ass, which he could never do, unless of course, he used Viagara® manufactured by us, Pfizer®.

We would like to partner with IWS Radio, however as our disclaimer states, “Those having an erection for more than fours hours, should seek medical attention…” which prevents us from doing so, because Jay and Matt have had erections for four years, and still can find anyone to relieve the pressure.

Sad, but the truth be known…

I am so glad that my company, Pfizer® has created Viagra®, because well…look at me.

I am not the most attractive person in the world, but well, I am smart, and guys dig smart chicks, right?

Ha…Yeah, on paper.  Dudes in their forties and fifties want nothing but a young looking piece of ass, and if they are going to get it up for someone like me, they need some Viagra® produced by Pfizer®.

Tell you what…I am going to ask both Jay and Matt to screw me.  And screw me without the aid of Viagra® which is lovingly and inexpensively produced by Pfizer®.

I think Jayman could do it and that would heal the wounds of his post from yesterday.

As for Matt?

He might be able to do it, but let me tell ya.  He may have imbibed some Wild Irish Rose which would crush his pecker strength, and seriously folks…As good as Viagra® is, there are some things that Pfizer® can’t fix.

Here’s to a Manufactured Hard-On,

Sally Susman




I'm With Stupid said...

Only $150,000 sponsorship? Pfffffffft

Pocket change!


I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: IKR? We're high class trim, not your run of the mill whores!! Cheers Jayman!!


Anonymous said...

Omg.... Hope they endorse you two anyway... :) Missy

I'm With Stupid said...

Miss: I hope so too, but let me tell ya, if we get free Viagra out of the deal, you'd better not come near me. Cheers Miss!!


Jo said...

I think having a continuous erection for 4 years would cause brain damage.



Jo said...

You guys are getting slammed with pharmaceutical spam this week!