What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Matt Said...Jay Said 2.1

Matt exfoliates….Jay sweeps up the dead skin because it's gross.  You listen.

Jay:  No kiddin’ around tonight.  How’s Schmoop?
Matt:  Easy fella.  She’s only been in the hospital for four days, you don’t expect to know anything after a mere 96 hours do you?
Jay: Well, let me think………Yes!!
Matt:  Eh…We don’t know squat other than her bill is probably about 15 Grand by now and they haven’t even done anything.
Jay:  Ouch…That’s a serious affliction to overcome.  She may never recover.
Matt:  IKR?

Jay:  So how’d the surgery go?
Matt:  Well…It didn’t work.  The procedure they used couldn’t open the plugged bile duct.
Jay:  That’s sucks.  I hate to see a person, let alone a bile duct, unable to be free.
Matt:  I guess they are trying a different procedure today.  It’s gonna be straight through the stomach.
Jay:  Well, that’s better than a rear assault
Matt:  Oh trust me, she would never go for that.
Jay:  Even if it made her better?
Matt:  Nooooo.  I have been trying to breach her rear for years and she refuses to open that levee.

Jay:  Sad.  Soooooo?  Can she call in on Sunday’s show from the hospital?
Matt:  Ha.  This is what the ultimate bullshit is.  If it goes well today, she may be released in order to come home Sunday prior to the big surgery that they think they may want to do.
Jay:  Screw that.  We need her to call into Sunday’s show from the hospital.  Fucking outrageous!!
Matt:  IKR?  Oy Vey.
Jay:  This medical crew sounds like the same screwed up staff at Blog Talk Radio.
Matt:  I know.

Jay:  By the way…What should we talk about on Sunday’s show?
Matt:  I had a great idea.  We could do a Halloween Spooktacular!!
Jay:  Not bad, but shouldn't that be our Wednesday show?  This Wednesday is Halloween.
Matt:  Oh it is, isn't it?
Jay:  Being the numbers guy that you are, I find it amusing that calendars confuse you.
Matt:  Is today Thursday or Friday?
Jay:  Yes.

Jay:  How ’bout this…We are in limbo with Schmoop, so we could just wing it and beg people to call in?
Matt:  They really should.  We are the Number One BTR Comedy show every week and deserve callers.
Jay:  IKR?  They could call in…wish Schmoop well…talk about Halloween, and tell us how sexy we are.
Matt:  I like it, and it requires little thought or preparation on our part, which I love!!
Jay:  Ha…Genius!!  Another Number One Show in the making!!

Matt:  Gonna be huge, IF…Our diverse and worldwide audience decides to call-in and chime in.
Jay:  For once, this show is not on our shoulders…it’s on theirs.
Matt:  Damn right.  Talk to you on Sunday.
Jay;  Okay…Give Schmoop a grope for me.
Matt:  Will Do.

And if you'd like to catch the next IWS Radio Show LIVE this Sunday at NOON ET, you can click right HERE.


I'm With Stupid said...

If our streak of hitting #1 is broken it will be out audience's fault. No pressure people!


I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: Exactly!! C'mon people don't be losers!! Cheers Jayman!!


Jo said...

Oh no, this just might guilt me into calling.

I really hope everything goes well with Schmoop.