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Monday, October 22, 2012

Man High School Sucked

Hola y’all! As you probably know by now we took a little trip down Memory Lane on I’m With Stupid this week. Well, I actually dug up my high school yearbook from my senior year and leafed through it after the show. As I went through the book it brought back all kinds of memories. Some were good. Some were bad. So, I thought I’d share them with you guys. The title for the book was “The Sky’s No Limit” and the recurring theme was “Triumph and Tragedy.”

On the first page we hit tragedy pretty hard. There’s a pic of the Challenger just after it blew up. That was definitely a defining moment of my senior year. Of course, nobody on the staff took that photo. And they don’t give any credit for it anywhere that I can see. WTF guys? You just stole the someone’s photo?

Next we get into some triumphs. Both the school and things like MLB and NFL and what have you. Some pics get credits, some don’t. Such shoddy work! Oh hey, there’s Ronald Reagan. What’s he doing in there? Oh yea, he was president. I probably would have sneaked him onto the “Tragedy” page just as a joke.

And here’s the senior class! And there I am! First in my class! Well, alphabetically anyway. Man, I as a good looking dude. And so tan! And no gray hairs! Wait. Who are these people? Did I really go to school with them?

WHOA! Flock of Seagulls Hair Chick! That was a bad choice. I bet she looks back on that senior pic with some major disappointment.

Oh there’s the chick I thought I would marry someday. She never had any such thoughts about me though. Still hurts. *tears up a little*

There’s one of two girls that I actually made a real effort to have sex with. Not make love to. Not be boyfriend to. But, to actually just have sex with. It didn’t happen, but we came close. I actually thought it was going to for a while, but she got smart and stopped things before she did something she would regret for the rest of her life. Good move on her part.

And there’s the one who to this day is still the weirdest chick I’ve ever met. And that’s saying something cause I know a few weird babes. She was the OTHER one I made a real effort to have sex with. She was weird but not stupid so I never even got close with her. I remember other guys telling me “She’s not that good looking” and my saying “You just don’t understand.” I wonder where she is today. She’s probably hanging out with her weird kids in some weird house doing weird things.

Oh look! All the school clubs that I didn’t join. Drama, DECA, FFA, FBLA, SGA, CIA, NCAA whatever. There’s my cousin Zed teaching shop to the miscreants that the school gave up on and tried to isolate. I wasn’t much of a joiner back then.

The golf team! I was on that team. Of course, our picture isn’t in the yearbook because they scheduled it the same day as one of our tournaments and refused to take it another time. At least they mention my second place finish at district.

And the newspaper staff! I was the editor of The Goblin. Of course, I’m not pictured because they took that photo the same day that they scheduled the golf team photo. Jesus I went to high school with some real assholes.

Well that’s basically it. Oh sure there’s the Homecoming dance, Colors Day dance, Sadie Hawkins dance and Prom, but I didn’t go to any of those. And then a few pages where some students were “featured” by local businesses and organizations. I wasn’t in those either.

What a miserable time that was.


In other news you should totally listen to our “When We Were 18” show from Sunday! We talked about the 80’s, TV Shows, Movies, school, jobs, babes, dreams and so much more. Definitely check it out.

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I'm With Stupid said...

Sounds like a good time, Jayman. Cheers!!


Mike said...

I could do high school so much better now. Except for algerbra.... and english.... and history.... and......

I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: I guess it was for some people.


I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: I could do without Biology. That class really sucked.


Jo said...

High school blows. Love the hair, Jay.

Now you've made me wonder if anyone remembers me as the Weird Chick. God I hope so.

I'm With Stupid said...

Jo: My hair has always been my best feature.

You're totally a Weird Chick. Maybe the second weirdest chick I've ever known. LOL ;-)


Gnetch said...

I remember my high school days sucked. Just like my college days. School sucked.

Edita said...

Look at you rocking the perfect yearbook pose. I applaud you.

Meanwhile good work for being the editor of the Goblin - I also was at the school newspaper. I look back to those days and think, damn I was a geek :D