What IWS Fans Are Saying

Friday, October 19, 2012


You can’t make this up folks…I was going to half-heartedly type about one thing, and then BAM…something else happened.

I was Facebooked. Yeah, I just invented that word, so?

And by Facebooked, I mean that someone other than a friend posted something to my timeline, which was this…


I was Facebooked last night by one Jim Stewart.

Oh the horror. He thought it was funny, and expected me to retort by laughing and saying, “Ha.”

Well, as for those of you who know me, I don’t play that way. I have to engage whether the perpetrator be a friend, a moron, or a dickhead.

And well, since he met the latter two of those three criteria, I had to respond. And the funny thing is, it’s not because I am a big fan of President Obama. Which my friends, drives him and his ilk, crazy, because, as they say…

“If you’re not for the Republican, you’re for the Democrat Muslim guy.”

Because I am more than left of center and make no bones about it, I am labeled a, “Liberal.”

What those who label me a “Liberal” don’t understand, is that I while I love peace and harmony in the world, I am a military nut, and want this country to have the biggest and baddest armed forces in the world.

I also love Natural Gas. This country is the Saudi Arabia of natural gas. I just want to make sure fracking to get said gas doesn’t destroy water supplies and farm fields. If it doesn’t? Frack Away America!! Frack Away!!

You know what else I like? Lower taxes. Who doesn’t like lower taxes, however…

Why can’t the government lower the rate on those making less than a million, and yes, I said a million in order to compensate for high cost areas, and raise it a few percentage points on guys like President Obama and Willard Romney?

It’s not going to hurt those folks, and it would certainly help us…well you guys anyway…for me personally, I am wealthy and need not a tax break, because I am independently rich and AWESOME!!

Can I get a shout out from the choir!!? Sorry, I digressed. Anyhoo…

Abortion. Yes, as a “Liberal”, I sit around all day thinking about new and exciting ways to kill babies. Well, that is what some on the right think.

I am actually anti-abortion, however…

If a chick gets pregnant, and cannot or will not support the zygote, or was otherwise raped, pillaged, and/or deforested by an overpowering old, gray, white guy, no overpowering, old, gray, white guy should tell her that she must have his baby…er…her baby.

See how the Libertarian in me is coming out!?

There’s plenty of other things that make me a Liberaltarian as well…

Oh your coffee was too hot and you want to sue? Denied!!

You fell off your bike and crushed your skull due to no helmet? Tough Luck!!

You smoked all these years and didn’t know it could give you cancer? Are you new!?

Why didn’t my son get a trophy? Because your son sucks and throws like a girl!!


I want everyone taken care of. I want reproductive rights protected. I want the uber-rich to pay a little more, but…

On the same hand, I want folks to stand up for themselves. I want them to quit being pussies. I want them to say, “I’m gonna grow up and take life by the horns, and at least try to live the American dream.”

And if they fail, I want us as a country to be there to pick up the pieces, and if that is what being a Liberal is?

So be it.




I'm With Stupid said...

Wait! I thought you were afraid of being labeled?

"And if they fail, I want us as a country to be there to pick up the pieces..."

Actually, if they fail they can then run for a seat in the House of Representatives. Hey-OOOOOOO!


Anonymous said...

I liked that... A lot! :) Missy the Republican!

I'm With Stupid said...

Jay: The worst thing is, in addition to Jim, I am as pissed about Blogger not being able to set my pictures correctly. Muthafuckahs!!

Cheers Jayman!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Missy: You are just saying that so you can be on the show again, now c'mon, tell the truth. Cheers Miss!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Okay...I am better now.

Mike said...

Remember you have to cut the average conservative some slack as their IQ is 6-11 points lower than a liberals.

Anonymous said...

You sound more like a moderate... Missy

Anonymous said...

And Mike, you're full of it!!!! Missy

I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: Only 6-11? I would have thought it to be greater than that. Cheers Mike!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Miss: No, you, as a Conservative, have seen the light and see me as God!! Cheers Miss!! Oh, and don't knock Mike, he's diabolical.


Anonymous said...

You know that's not true!!!!!! I'm sure there is a study! Hahaaa!

I'm With Stupid said...

Miss: There was study done in 1996, and yes, I am a God. Cheers Miss!!


Mike said...

Missy, that study was on the internet so you know it was true!

Beth said...

When are you going to learn not to engage with that nutburger?? Hee!

I'm With Stupid said...

Beth: You know I can't help myself. Cheers Schmoop!!


Jo said...

I'd be in your boat except naked men with umbrellas freak me out.

Nice post, Matt!