What IWS Fans Are Saying

Sunday, October 21, 2012

IWS Babe of the Week: Our HOT IWS Friends

Each and every Sunday on the IWS website, we typically highlight a famous actress, actresses, or celebrities who may be trending and would provide good traffic for our website whom we truly love.

However, today?

Because of things that have transpired over the last few days, which will remain sub rosa until Wednesday's show, we'd like to excoriate, illuminate some of the hot babes who listen to, read, and/or otherwise take out cease and desist orders toward IWS Radio, and Jay and I.

First up...The Schmoopster.  This chick has been adored, canonized, and well, at the same time, made fun of on more than one occasion by Jay and Matt...

On deck, we have the lovely Missalicious.

Now Missy has done a fundraiser for us.  She also offers plentiful advice to us, such as...

"If I knew when I agreed to do your show that there would be no bagels in the Green Room, I would have told to you two cheap bastards to forget it...Uuch."

Of course there is always the uber-lovely Jo.  She is so damn hot...especially when she wears ponytails and cruises the High Schools in hopes of a tawdry and illegal affair...

And then, we have Jayman's BFF Warrior Kat.  Kat is a nurse, and if she ever said to me that this test requires that she quickly and painfully stick a needle into my scrotum, I would still answer, "Oh Yeah, Baby. Do it three times for accuracy!!"

Hell...While we make fun of her often, we love when Dana escapes her mythical Accounting Meeting and joins us most Wednesdays...

And then of course...There is Tamara.  Tamra is one hard nosed, hard rocking chick, who...loves the animals and tries to save all of those whom she can...

Yeah, celebrity Bitches are perceived as hot many times, but seriously?

Jay and I are blessed with boatload of hot chicks who listen to us, and more importantly, hot chicks whom we consider our friends.

Annnnnnd....We will be broadcasting LIVE today at NOON ET as we talk about when we were 18 years old.

As Matt-Man's son Ryno will turn 18 on Wednesday we thought it to be the perfect time to re-live our glory days when we were 18.

Join us LIVE today at NOON ET on BTR as we discuss our youth and you can listen and chime in as well by clicking HERE.



I'm With Stupid said...

There's a lot of hotness on this page today. But, more than that, there's a lot of genuine goodness and love.


I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: And the goodness and love is what makes it even hotter. Cheers Jayman!!


Anonymous said...

Love you two! :) Missy

I'm With Stupid said...

Miss: And we love you. Thanks for all you do and have done. Cheers Miss!!


Anonymous said...


Mike said...

There are just too many cuties to pick from.

Jo said...

Oh I love you guys. Thanks for making me the creepy one!