“Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State.”
Edward Abbey
I hate abortion arguments, because nobody ever does or will agree, however…there is a part of the argument, that sets me off on so many philosophical tangents, that I feel compelled to invoke more than a few words.
The abortion issue has to, and while a small part of abortions, involve the issue of rape, so let’s examine that small part of abortions on a greater philosophical bent, shall we..?
Because, when one does…It makes the entire anti-choice argument, a big fucking piece of stupid.
Many fervent, pro-Christian groups, anti-abortionist institutions, and people like Mitt Romney (today, anyway) say…
“Birth that baby, Bitch. Even though you were raped, you will receive baubles in Heaven.”
I find it funny, odd, and just down right stupid, that “conservative” Republicans tend to like laws that prohibit abortion, even when rape is involved.
I had a back and forth with a chick on Twitter the other day and she claims to want the aforementioned type of state and went on to say, “No Baby Killed.”…Mother raped or not.
Hell, I had unprotected sex with this chick in High School, and I am still trying to get my dignity back, but if there were a way, I’d more than certainly abort my lack of self-esteem.
But seriously…
The chick I was talking to on Twitter, she went on to say that if she was raped, she would carry the child to term. I don’t believe her, but nonetheless…her attitude is to me, kinda fucking wacky.
And well, it could be that kinda public Jesus attitude that one puts on for others and causes them to say things like…
“I hate baby killers; I hate people who don’t go to church; I hate people who don’t pronounce their love for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." and do it on a daily basis and in a very public forum.
Theoretically, God wants all men and women to have free will, however...
In the fucked up, born-again, and well-versed…
Sarah Palin my daughter got pregnant and so should you, type world…
A woman is doing God’s work by birthing a baby against her free will or the infant’s free will, and of course never asking…
“Where is the free-will that God so supremely rained down upon us?”
Sadly, within the familial train wreck that are the Palins and many others, it doesn’t exist, and/or too often, at least in the case of Bristol, her free will does exist.
Yeah, me too, and here’s the thing…
Sarah and Bristol Palin, and others of their ilk are whores…"Christian" whores who believe what you believe, is a sin if it doesn't conform to what they believe, and yet…
They will Whore of Babylon themselves out to any media outlet that will allow it, all the while speaking on pro-life issues based around a fat ass Alaskan chick who got her hoo-ha forever disheveled and disfigured by a bowling ball-type sized of a bastard out of wedlock, and barely out of High School, and the igloo type thing.
Ironic, no?
For right or wrong...people get pregnant. And whenever people are involved, error exists.
God understands that, and God gave us one and all the power to decide what is right and wrong.
God would never punish a person for having an abortion if the person thought it was the right thing to do, but he may however, punish a person for making money off His name by a chick getting drunk on “wine coolers”, playing the victim, and her, her mom, and others passing judgment on others.

I hate abortion arguments, because nobody ever does or will agree, however…there is a part of the argument, that sets me off on so many philosophical tangents, that I feel compelled to invoke more than a few words.
The abortion issue has to, and while a small part of abortions, involve the issue of rape, so let’s examine that small part of abortions on a greater philosophical bent, shall we..?
Because, when one does…It makes the entire anti-choice argument, a big fucking piece of stupid.
Many fervent, pro-Christian groups, anti-abortionist institutions, and people like Mitt Romney (today, anyway) say…
“Birth that baby, Bitch. Even though you were raped, you will receive baubles in Heaven.”
I find it funny, odd, and just down right stupid, that “conservative” Republicans tend to like laws that prohibit abortion, even when rape is involved.
I had a back and forth with a chick on Twitter the other day and she claims to want the aforementioned type of state and went on to say, “No Baby Killed.”…Mother raped or not.
Hell, I had unprotected sex with this chick in High School, and I am still trying to get my dignity back, but if there were a way, I’d more than certainly abort my lack of self-esteem.
But seriously…
The chick I was talking to on Twitter, she went on to say that if she was raped, she would carry the child to term. I don’t believe her, but nonetheless…her attitude is to me, kinda fucking wacky.
And well, it could be that kinda public Jesus attitude that one puts on for others and causes them to say things like…
“I hate baby killers; I hate people who don’t go to church; I hate people who don’t pronounce their love for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." and do it on a daily basis and in a very public forum.
Theoretically, God wants all men and women to have free will, however...
In the fucked up, born-again, and well-versed…
Sarah Palin my daughter got pregnant and so should you, type world…
A woman is doing God’s work by birthing a baby against her free will or the infant’s free will, and of course never asking…
“Where is the free-will that God so supremely rained down upon us?”
Sadly, within the familial train wreck that are the Palins and many others, it doesn’t exist, and/or too often, at least in the case of Bristol, her free will does exist.
Yeah, me too, and here’s the thing…
Sarah and Bristol Palin, and others of their ilk are whores…"Christian" whores who believe what you believe, is a sin if it doesn't conform to what they believe, and yet…
They will Whore of Babylon themselves out to any media outlet that will allow it, all the while speaking on pro-life issues based around a fat ass Alaskan chick who got her hoo-ha forever disheveled and disfigured by a bowling ball-type sized of a bastard out of wedlock, and barely out of High School, and the igloo type thing.
Ironic, no?
For right or wrong...people get pregnant. And whenever people are involved, error exists.
God understands that, and God gave us one and all the power to decide what is right and wrong.
God would never punish a person for having an abortion if the person thought it was the right thing to do, but he may however, punish a person for making money off His name by a chick getting drunk on “wine coolers”, playing the victim, and her, her mom, and others passing judgment on others.
Jayman: "Is she still alive? Wait ...no...Who? I thought I sent her to Hell...No, wait, that was, um...Leona Helmsley, yeah that's it." Cheers Jayman!!
Lisa: Ha. Why thank ya hot stuff. Cheers Lisa!!
The anti-abortion argument isn't even about abortion, it's about control. It isn't for the benefit of children, or families; if it was, the same crowd would be putting more energy into birth control & sex ed, services for children & families at risk, foster care reform, domestic abuse services, etc.
My uterus and I are really fired up this morning! We should go simmer down...
Jo: Damn right, not go do some Kegel exercises and calm that uterus down. Cheers Jo!!
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