When in the course of human events, it be---, blah, blah, blah...
Over the year plus of this website, and longer on the IWS Radio Show, we have propped up, and sang praises to many beautiful women, however this week?
We want to sing the praises of an everyday woman. A chick who just finds Jayman and myself funny, incredibly charming, and hopefully, HOT!!
I am of course talking about I'm With Stupid's initial Mizz July 4th Independence Day Hottie of 2011, Tamra...
She's not just hot either, she's pretty as hell...well she's prettier than uber woman Ann Romney anyway, and she works...without a net or a staff of fifty...
Tamra practices good hygiene, which is important to us here at I'm With Stupid. She reminds Jay and Matt-Man to brush their teeth and comb their hair....Well, to remind Jayman to comb his hair. Matt-Man? Not so much...
Oh yeahhhhhhh...Mizz Tamra...Our initial 4th of July Woman, and a chick that keeps settin' off fireworks in our private areas everyday.
She is hot, sweet, and completely awesome.
Here's to Tamra, and here's to the upcoming IWS Radio Show.
Matt and Jay will be riflinfg through their local papers today at Noon ET on I'm With Stupid. It will be like sitting on the porch with Andy Taylor and Barney Fife.
Join them by listening and/or calling in at 661.244.9852 for a laid back, homespun affair today at Noon ET by clicking HERE.
Oh I forgot...there's a bonus picture...

Over the year plus of this website, and longer on the IWS Radio Show, we have propped up, and sang praises to many beautiful women, however this week?
We want to sing the praises of an everyday woman. A chick who just finds Jayman and myself funny, incredibly charming, and hopefully, HOT!!
I am of course talking about I'm With Stupid's initial Mizz July 4th Independence Day Hottie of 2011, Tamra...
She's not just hot either, she's pretty as hell...well she's prettier than uber woman Ann Romney anyway, and she works...without a net or a staff of fifty...
Tamra practices good hygiene, which is important to us here at I'm With Stupid. She reminds Jay and Matt-Man to brush their teeth and comb their hair....Well, to remind Jayman to comb his hair. Matt-Man? Not so much...
Do you ever get that feeling that you can't decide what to do? Like you're standing in the middle of the road? Tamra evidently did once, but let me tell ya, she looks good while doing so...
And while Tamra is a fun-loving woman, she can get a bit "attitudinal" when being followed by assholes. That's why for the life of us, we can't understand why she likes Jay and Matt...
And the funny thing? Matt-Man has never been a fan of, The Ramones, and now he is FAN #1...What's up with that?
And of course, when our radio show was mentioned in Internet Radio Today, who did we ask to appear? That's right...Mizzzzzzzz Tamra...
Oh yeahhhhhhh...Mizz Tamra...Our initial 4th of July Woman, and a chick that keeps settin' off fireworks in our private areas everyday.
She is hot, sweet, and completely awesome.
Here's to Tamra, and here's to the upcoming IWS Radio Show.
Matt and Jay will be riflinfg through their local papers today at Noon ET on I'm With Stupid. It will be like sitting on the porch with Andy Taylor and Barney Fife.
Join them by listening and/or calling in at 661.244.9852 for a laid back, homespun affair today at Noon ET by clicking HERE.
Oh I forgot...there's a bonus picture...

Tamra freaking ROCKS!
Jayman: Those are the truest three words you have ever spoken. Cheers Jayman!!
Very good!
I didn't remember today was Sunday until I woke up and it was to late.
Duckbutt: She's AWESOME!! Cheers Duck!!
Mike: Of course you didn't. Oy. Cheers Mike!!
a chick that hot into the ramones and iron maden....damn!
Jack: She's rockin' it. Tamra is AWESOME!! Cheers Jack!!
Yeeeeeee Haw! :)
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