What IWS Fans Are Saying

Friday, August 2, 2013

Parents Today..? They Suck!!

Cheeeeeers Chuckleheads!!

I have some advice for you, and I have talked about this before…NEVER come through our Drive-Thru, the Beer Mine, without an idea of you want.

And by the same token…

Never go through the Drive-Thru line at Mickey D’s, Wendy’s, or in my case as it was tonight, Rally’s, without a purpose and agenda driven menu in mind.

Rally’s makes burgers, fries, other sandwiches, and ice cream cones,

Their menu, while delicious, is very Spartan-Like.

Why the fuck do some of you have to fuck up the ease and gliding through of Rally’s, by wanting your sandwiches, “special?”

Listen Mom Van/SUV driving soccer mom who has three kids, and a need to get the best deal possible because you can’t afford the Cadillac Escalade that you are in…

Could you please smack your kids, say, “give us five double cheeseburgers“, and then move on?

Noooooo, of course you can’t…

You have to explain to the whiny, high-pitched end of the Drive-Through speaker, that your precious Ashley, and your somber son Bryce, both hate onions, and while Ashley will accept a tomato on her burger, Bryce simply will not!!

Poor Bryce…

And while not afflicted with a peanut allergy, one of Bryce’s future High School buddies is going to kick his ass no later than the tenth grade for holding up their buddy’s car in the Drive-Thru lane, because you have turned him into a self-obsessed weenie who demands that no tomato shall grace his bun.

Where exactly do you fucking people come from?  Oh, I know…

From the United States of uhMEica!!

Why do I say that, you ask? Because many of you people who frequent a Drive-Thru at a fast food joint, or a bank, or someplace like the Beer Mine, are overly self-involved…and lazy.

I have had people come through with kids, and while Mom says that she wants a pack of cigarettes of whatever kind, I have three cars outside waiting all the while she also says…

“My children are deciding what kind of chips that they want.

First of all, one does not grocery shop in a Drive-Thru, and secondly, your kids should get whatever the hell chips that YOU decide that they should get, and if they don’t like them?

Fuck Em’!!

I know that four year old Crystal and six year old Nathan are very cute, but there are thirsty beer drinking people behind you and your spawn, and that is where we make our money!!

Oh, and by the way, Ms. Mother To Two and Wife To None, I didn’t appreciate that you just complained about our cigarette prices.  Sure..

We are a bit higher than most, but that is because you don’t have to get out of your car.

And really?  Isn’t that a lot of trouble for you; I know how you like the drive-by transaction?  Oh…

Here’s a couple of suckers for the kids; tell them that dinner is on me.



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I'm With Stupid said...

Also, when people go inside they should be looking over the menu while waiting in line. Instead most of them fiddle on their phones and then finally get up to the counter and THEN they look at the menu for the first time. Losers.


Beth said...

This is one of the many reasons I need a conceal and carry license!

Dana said...

Whew! No mention of the digging for change numskull ;)

Mike said...

Tell the moms coming through the beermine, 'here's what they really want', then sell her a bottle of WIR for each kid.

Anonymous said...

Would you like to me to kill them?

George Z.

jAMiE said...

I was always prepared and drive-thrus...wrote down what we wanted...oh and no special order menu items from us. No sir!

Well..that's not totally true...I always got tons of extra pickles on my single from Wendy's.


ps Matt...i feel your pain!

I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: Yes they do!! I hate that. Drives me nuts!! Cheers Jayman!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Beth: I understand, but you'd just end up wounding yourself. Cheers Schmoooop!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Dana: Ha. I hate that as well, but it didn't fall under this umbrella. Cheers Dana!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: Drive-By Mikey have discussed just that. They take what we give them. Cheers Mike!!


I'm With Stupid said...

George: If once they leave the Beer Mine you decide to follow them, that is completely up to you. Cheers George!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Jamie: Very good, and asking for EXTRA is okay. That slows down nothing. Cheers Jamie!!


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