What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Matt Said, Jay Said 44

Matt blahs, Jay blahs, You sigh.

Matt: Hey
Jay: Hey
Matt: What’s up?
Jay: Nothing much.
Matt: Cool.
Jay: U?
Matt: Same.
Jay: Cool.
Matt: Dinner?
Jay: Chicken, noodles and green beans.
Matt: Yummy.
Jay: U?
Matt: Rally’s
Jay: Nice.
Matt: What kind of green beans?
Jay: French Cut.
Matt: You fancy mofo you!
Jay: Hell yeah! I’m sophisticated.
Matt: I keep forgetting that.
Jay: Well, I don’t like to show off too much.
Matt: Good plan.
Jay: It’s like wearing a fancy suit in Memphis.
Matt: Pretty damn risky.
Jay: Damn right man.
Matt: You are a very careful man.
Jay: Gotta be these days.
Matt: People be crazy, yo!
Jay: True dat.

Jay: Hey, the Sexy Sexting Show is #2!
Matt: That’s hot.
Jay: Did it result in any extra sexting for you?
Matt: Nope.
Jay: That’s too bad.
Matt: U?
Jay: Fuck no.
Matt: Awwwww
Matt: Well that wasn’t the purpose of the show.
Jay: Yeah, I kno …. Wait. It wasn’t?
Matt: Noooooooooo! It was to entertain the masses.
Jay: A handful of them at a time.
Matt: Exactly!
Jay: Well then. We were successful!
Matt: Damn right we were!
Jay: That sounds weird.
Matt: What does?
Jay: “We. Were. Successful.”
Matt: Oh wow! It does.

Jay: So this week?
Matt: A surprise birthday party for President Obama!
Jay: Oh that’s brilliant.
Matt: IKR? He needs a pick-me-up anyway.
Jay: Our entire staff can record birthday messages.
Matt: Oh hell yes!
Jay: A Paul Piatt w/ a special birthday poem?
Matt: You know he has some beautiful poems for that.
Jay: Maybe some celebrities will chime in too!
Matt: And former presidents!
Jay: And some world leaders!
Matt: And “what will Obama wish for?” thoughts.
Jay: And presents we and others might give him.
Matt: And birthday party ideas.
Jay: Oh hell yeah!
Matt: Cause for us, life is a party.
Jay: It sure as hell is!
Matt: Sunday is also Coast Guard Day!
Jay: We’re on it!
Matt: And Revolution Day in Burkina Faso!
Jay: The most important day of the year!
Matt: I can’t fucking wait!
Jay: Me either!
Matt: Better start early on all those audios.
Jay: Oh shit. There will be tons of ‘em!
Matt: That’s hot.
Jay: Very.

So, be sure to join our surprise Happy Birther-Day President Obama show on Sunday at 12 Noon ET!!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Will Kate Upton be joining us LIVE? Oh dear God I hope so. Cheers Jayman!!


jAMiE said...

Should be a fun show, I can hardly wait!