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Sunday, August 4, 2013

IWS Person of the Week...Happy Birther Day President Obama

On this date of August 4th, in 1961, unto the world was born a child in Honolulu, Kenya who would later grow up to be a divisive political scalawag, a one-man wrecking crew of capitalism, and most importantly, President of the United States.

His name?

Barack Hussein Obama or as some know him, the 44th President of the United States of America.

That’s right…today is President Barack Obama’s Birthday, and it is only fitting that we at IWS Radio who affectionately refer to him as BO-Dawg, make him our Person of the Week…

Look at that smile, that charm, that…”Devil-May-Care, I was doin’ drugs thirty years ago and yet I became President” grin.

And even though he is now busy trying to keep and/or organize the Free World, and no longer prowling the hipster scene like the party animal that he was, he can still pull off, “cool.”

Yep…today, at the slight majority in the Senate age of 52, Barack Obama is a loyal husband to Michelle, and a doting father to his two girls, but he can still make ladies like Jennifer Hudson swoon…

And that is why, no matter if you like him or not, President Barack Obama can put his feet up on his Presidential desk, smile, and think to himself…

“If I was any cooler; I’d be Shaft.”

So here’s to Birthday Boy Man, President Barack Obama, the IWS Radio Person of the Week.

And in his honor?

I hope all of you join Jay, Matt, and the entire IWS Radio team for a Happy Birther Day Barack Obama extravaganza on IWS Radio from Noon-2 PM ET today on Blog Talk Radio.

Headliners from the world of politics, pop culture, and entertainment will be airing their Birthday wishes, and we will be taking your calls at 661.244.9852.

So listen LIVE, call-in with your birthday wishes, and hang out with Jay and Matt from Noon-2 PM ET on the IWS Radio Show.

You can catch all the hilarity by clicking HERE.


I'm With Stupid said...

Eh ... He's alright, I guess.


Mike said...

And he's winning the golf tournament right now!

Unknown said...

You know what this means, don't you?

This means that 52 years ago next week, a bunch of communist Muslims were sitting around in Kenya saying, "This baby that Barack and Ann just had in that hut across the way? I bet that kid would do our bidding if he became President of the United States! America will totally elect a half-breed black kid with a Muslim name!"

Then they flew baby and mom in to Hawaii and took a newspaper ad to make it look like he'd been born there, doctored up a birth certificate and boom! Instant Islamo-communist paradise.

I need to write a novel about this, because it makes a lot of sense...

I'm With Stupid said...

Jay: I think you summed him up quite well actually. Cheers Jayman!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: Ha...That was pretty good. Cheers Mike!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Katy: That's a crazy idea and or premise...nobody in their right mind believes th----Okay....Go With It. Cheers Katy!!
