Hola! So yesterday, a day which will live in infamy,
Matt-Man got to strike something off of his Bucket List. He finally got to do
an N-Word
post. Okay, I’m kidding. Kinda. Anyway, that satirical post accomplished its
primary goal. Lots and lots and lots of page views! Hell yeah! *Hi-5’s Matt
There were a few people who didn’t enjoy that post though.
No really! Some people found that post to be in poor taste or thought it was unnecessary
to use the N-Word and blah, blah, blah. Well look, would I have written that
post? OH HAIL NAW! Not on your life. But, that doesn’t really matter cause this
blog here is a safe place for Matt, me or anyone else who is posting to speak
honestly and post whatever they want.
This includes a satirical posts from
Paula Deen.
This is primarily a humor/comedy blog. Matt-Man and I are both free to post whatever we want here.
We don’t stop each other from talking about any topic or anything else, nor
should we. Too many people censor themselves on their own damn blogs because
they’re afraid they’re gonna upset someone or offend people or whatever. I've been known to do that myself. We shouldn’t be doing that.
Your blog is the only place where you will ever be totally
free to be yourself, or anyone else you want to be. Even if you want to be
Racist Paula Deen. Back in the day I did
a post on my old blog where I blasted Elizabeth Edwards that resulted in
someone calling me a “pig” in the comments section and then telling me “I hope
you get cancer and die!” Okay, fair enough. I like it when people speak their
So, why am I bringing this up? Well, I‘ll tell ya why.
Whenever you happen to read a post here that you fine offensive or upsetting we
most definitely want you to let us know. It’s a little odd that the only time
we get any feedback from people is when they aren’t happy, but that’s okay. We
very much respect your opinions and beliefs as long as you respect ours.
Yesterday, I got a few messages and emails from people who
thought Matts’ post was in bad taste that thought we shouldn’t allow the “N-Word”
on the blog. Plus a comment on a pic posted to the official IWS Facebook Fan Page. But,
I dismiss that cause it came from a guy who I know to be a raging fucking
hypocrite. I have no doubt Matt has also heard from people who either don’t like
me or don’t think I’m funny or are bitter middle-aged white women who are
jealous of hot, petite, sexy and exotic Asian babes. I’m just guessing on that
last part. Point is you can't always make everybody happy and you can always worry about people's sensibilities.
The people who had something to say about Matt’s post did so
nicely and without name calling or rudeness or over the top OMG I’M SO OUTRAGED
crap. I really appreciate that. But, there is one thing Matt and I would like to
request of people who feel strongly enough about something to email and express
their feelings.
Please make sure you direct your comments to the person who
actually wrote the post.
That’s really all we ask and we think that’s more than fair. Seriously, we put our name on the posts ya know.Thanks for your cooperation.
That’s really all we ask and we think that’s more than fair. Seriously, we put our name on the posts ya know.Thanks for your cooperation.
I didn't read yesterday's post because I knew - based on the title - that it wouldn't sit well even though I knew the intent.
And I think y'all are just begging for email ;)
A thoughtful and well-written post Jayman. I did receive a personal message of concern from a friend of IWS Radio but, it like this post, was also well-written, thoughtful, and not harsh.
As for your penchant for petite Asian babes? That does make you a closet pedophile, you sick bastard. Cheers Jayman!!
I love you guys no matter what you post..I love your senses of humour...and I can laugh out loud reading along and further more, listening to the show.
While I am one of those middle aged white women who loves you guys..I accept that Jay, you love hot Asian women. I am not jealous of them nor bitter towards them..but Lordy I wish I had a body like them.
Well..one can't have everything!
As I said to Matt, write on, Jay..write on!
Dana: I don't know about Matt but there are a few other things I'm begging for. ;-)
Matt-Man: Why you gotta be so hurtful? Totally uncalled for. There will have to be payback for that remark.
Jamie: Well we love you too babe. I don't hate middle-aged white women. Just the ones who take out their bitter rage on Asian chicks. ha
Although I am a middle aged white woman...I too love hot Asian women, hot Asian men, hot white men, hot black men...but alas...I digress! Love you guys and your humor, cept for yesterdays post! As I made clear to both of you! Sorry Jayman! Honestly, while I read the whole post, hoping it would somehow redeem itself...I was so pissed by the time I got to the end, I didn't "notice" who wrote it! Will pay closer attention the next time I'm offended by something you guys write~love n hugs (virtually of course)!
Shirley: I'm going to start working on something that will REALLY offend you so I can be even with Matt. ha ;-)
But haters mean you're famous, right? FAMOUS.
Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I have not done enough ranting and raving. I demand that you post more hot Asian women! For my closet pedophile trap that is.
Gnetch: Exactly! Being famous is all that matters. ;-p
Knight: Well, I tell you what. I'll hang out in your closet and from time to time you can open the door and rant all over me. Yeah, that didn't really make any sense at all.
Cannot wait to see this one Jayman!
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