Ring Ring…
Matt: Hello?
Matt: Hello?
Matt: Jay? If this is Jay, or even if it isn’t, I can’t hear you. Hello?
Matt: Jayman? Did you leave the mute switch on, on your headset? Hello?
Jay: Holaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
Matt: I couldn’t hear you…You left the mute switch on, didn’t you?
Jay: Noooooooo………okay, maybe. And it’s sad too, because I was singing to you.
Matt: Sorry I missed that. Hey I made friends on Facebook with (name redacted).
Jay: Oh did you now…She has yet to accept my friend request, nor does she acknowledge me on Twitter.
Matt: Yeah, she ignores me on Twitter as well, but…She’s now my friend on Facebook.
Jay: Well isn’t that sweet? That doesn’t make sense, I am so much nicer than you. How did you manage to get her to friend you? What? Did you tell her that your girlfriend is having major surgery next Friday?
Matt: Yes!!
Jay: Damn…You are one brilliant motherfucker!!
Matt: IKR? I will be playing up the gutting of Schmoop for all it’s worth between now and next Friday.
Jay: I would t--…You sick opportunistic bastard…by the way, and speaking of opportunists, we should probably do a Hanukkah show this Saturday.
Matt: Oh Hell Yeah. Love the Jews and their magic candle.
Jay: IKR? We could talk about our favorite Jews…such as Natalie Portman.
Matt: Or Scarlett Johansson.
Jay: And our least favorite Jews such as Schmoop’s boss.
Matt: He’s not Jewish.
Jay: Maybe not officially, but he is in spirit.

Jay: Suhweeeeeeeeet. We could also talk about Hanukkah foods, and lesser known Hanukkah songs that our vast and diverse worldwide audience may not be familiar with.
Matt: Excellent, and maybe we’ll have our pal Joey Goodbar sing one of his own Hanukkah songs.
Jay: This is shaping up to be quite the walk through the desert. It’s gonna be HUGE!!
Matt: I think so, and as any good Jewish agent would say, “Let’s hope the ratings are as well.”
Join Jay and Matt LIVE tonight, Saturday December 8th at 11 PM EST on Blog Talk Radio, for their Hanukkah Extravaganza.
You can catch the Hanukkah action LIVE, by clicking HERE.
She's still ignoring my friend request. I'm not that upset about it because I get ignored by women all the time.
Jayman: And well...It's okay, because, well...how do I put this...her show isn't very funny. Cheers Jayman!!
I hope you guys are planning to sing the Dreidel Dreidel song.
I love Jewish people and sometimes I feel sad for them because of the whole bacon thing. Not the endless persecution and atrocities but the porklessness.
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