Oh sorry, we haven’t done a radio show since the 18th and I guess I was jumping the gun, but that’s okay, because we will be doing a show today at 11 AM ET, so I am all better now.
Okay…no…even though we will be doing a show today, I am still not alright.
I am nervous.
My BFF/OSP Schmoop has some health problems and if her unemployment is not approved, we will be hurting more than Evander Holyfield getting his ear bitten off by Mike Tyson.
Here’s the thing…Her employer, actually her boss and owner of the company, said that she was being laid-off and told her to file for unemployment, so…she did.
And what happened?
Because of what he told the ODJFS, which contradicted what he had told Schmoop and what Schmoop told ODJFS based on their conversation, her claim is in limbo and under microscopic review.
The entire process seemed easy enough at the beginning, but knowing her boss as I do, I knew there would be a bend in the tracks. I knew that somehow, he would twist and bend the rails of her financial security as he happily chugged along as the conductor of his self-serving crazy train.
I have no use whatsoever for this guy. I worked for him for nearly four years, and well, he’s an idiot. He’s not completely unlikable, but well, he’s an idiot because he has a trait that a few small business owners that I know have.
What is that you ask?
They go into business for themselves, and then complain about the Federal and State regulations that they are under, knowing what those regulations were, prior to going into business!!
Here’s the thing though…He doesn’t want to pay Schmoop unemployment, even though it is already paid for, but he wants to continue in his business that she helped him to build over the last twelve years.
To me, that is kinda greedy.
I know that job creators are all good, and want nothing to do but make a barely minimal living, so all the while they can help those who create their products to make a decent living as well, but it would be nice if this job creator would live up to his word.

I am trying to help Schmoop get her unemployment to which she is deserving, and this past Friday, throngs of pajama pants wearing Americans, with no bras, and unattended toddlers left in their cars, were running through mega-stores demanding their Black Friday sale prices.
The demands issued by Schmoop and the Black Friday shoppers are both based upon a promise made by the owner of a particular company, but there is a distinct difference.
If Wal*Mart, Kohl’s, or others like Best Buy don’t live up to their promise, families go without a big screen TV, and they immediately raise hell.
When Schmoop’s boss goes back on a promise, we don’t eat, and we move out of our home of twelve years, and try to find an acceptable option while crying.
Greed, be it on the side of the those who produce or consume, is an ugly, yet powerful force.
I just want to continue to live in a small apartment with Schmoop. I guess to some, that is the definition of greed, and cannot be tolerated.
P.S. Oh and by the way, we are doing an IWS Radio Show today at 11 AM ET so check us out...It's going to be hilarious: Cyber Monday Extravaganza
You guys must be a couple of those "takers" that Mitt Romney was talking about. Trying to ruin this guys business by getting unemployment insurance out of him is just soooooo 47 percent of you!
Jay: IKR!? I tried to talk Schmoop out of pressing her rights, but noooo, she sucked me into helping her with her twisted game of selfishness. Cheers Jayman!!
that sucks about her boss fucking up the process for her! can she apply for temporary disability? I think if you are to be out of work for more than two weeks you are eligible. her doctors would just need to fill out the paperwork. that may be the way to go vs. depending on her idiot boss to get things right. Shesh! How is Schmoop? was surgery yesterday?
FC: Schmoop is okay but no, surgery is not until the 14th. Cheers Cookie!!
You guys must be so crazy stressed. I'm sorry you're in this shit-storm.
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