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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Taste Test ...

So, Matt-Man sent me a little package via UPS last week and in it was a bottle of his beloved Wild Irish Rose.  I decided that I would taste it for the first time on video and post it here. 

It actually surprised me. Sure, the first taste is a bit rough, but after that, it's not so bad. Anyway, here's the video:



Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

LOL...love the face when you take your first sip.

Why do people close their eyes as they drink like that?

Just askin...

Beth said...

OMG! This was most excellent! Yea the first taste is kind of rough, especially if you just brushed your teeth;) I gotta get Matt Man to another vlog. You guys are a riot!

Jay said...

Vinny: My eyes close when I tilt my head back. Just like those creepy dolls.

Beth: Yeah, that first taste was more than a little rough. But, I'll get used to it pretty quickly. Or not. You and Matt both need to vlog.

I'm With Stupid said...

Wild Irish Rose becomes you. Cheers!!


Mike said...

Well the video won't come up on my screen. So I had to do a little searching to come up with the URL on youtube. In case anyone else is having the same problem - http://www.youtube.com/v/BTLsd4gyAJI

Nice 4 minutes of video Jay. Your new career in broadcasting awaits.

Oh and when watching this on youtube this was one of the associated videos it gave to pick from after yours was over. - http://www.youtube.com/v/BTLsd4gyAJI

Knight said...

Amazing. I always assumed WIR tasted like paint thinner and Boone's Farm strawberry wine. Judging by your face I wasn't too far off.

Jay said...

Matt-Man: It might become a regular part of my alcohol rotation. It's a bit pricey for me though. ha!

Mike: The video seems to be working fine now. And, I'm already a world famous radio host!

Knight: I might have to get some Boone's Farm and try it next.


MysteryChick said...

"Mostly alcohol-ly though"...I'm so glad you recorded your first taste for posterity.