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Saturday, October 3, 2015

Jeb Bush Stuff Happens on IWS Radio

Hello my fellow Americans. Jeb Bush, sometimes known as the “dumb” Bush here on behalf of my friends at IWS Radio! You know what? The only media outlet I love as much as Fox News is IWS Radio. I refuse to watch or listen to anyone else. Luckily for me they are joining forces this week in what should be the media event of the century! Just take a look at what is happening on this week’s show ….

“Join Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio team as they report and you decide how funny they are while being invaded by the  journalistic integrity, professionalism and hilarity of FOX News. Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity and others will bring you their "greatest" moments in FOX News history. Jay and Matt will imagine how FOX News would cover historical events, and of course...discuss the not-so-nuanced hotness of the FOX News babes.

Kirk Douglas, Slyder Balzcock, Rev. Moneymaker, Jamie Mapleleaf, and other IWS correspondents will be on hand as well to see if they have what it takes to become a FOX News contributor. All of that plus really bad music and your phone calls at 661.244.9852 as IWS Radio presents:  October Surprise..FOX News Hijacks IWS Radio.”

Wow! How could anyone miss out on this? All kinds of stuff is gonna happen on that show! The world’s two great media superpowers come together to entertain the masses in a way that has never been seen or heard before. I’m so excited I just don’t know what to do with myself. I would call in, but I’m afraid I would say something stupid. As you know, that’s a pretty rare event for me. So be sure to listen to IWS Radio’s Fox NewsExtravaganza