What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Even Joe Scarborough Shuts Up for IWS Radio

Hi IWS Radio fans, former congressman and host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough here to thank Jay and Matt for featuring me and others from MSNBC on tomorrow's IWS Radio Show.

Rarely, do you find two more fair and balanced members of the media on one show, but these two miscreants make it happen, make it work, and most importantly...

They are nearly as hilarious Chris Hayes and Mika Brzezinski.

So for once in my life, allow me to shut my always yakking pie hole and let them explain what will be happening on tomorrow's IWS Radio Show....

Well, last week Mat-Man and Jayman "celebrated" Fox News on IWS Radio. And of course, by "celebrated" we mean "made fun of." So, it's only fitting that we "celebrate" MSNBC this week. MSNBC is a special place with special people. Their ratings are low, but their ambitions are high. And, some of their hosts might be high too, but that's purely speculation on our part.

So, Matt and Jay are going to take an in-depth look at MSNBC and its people and really break down what the network is trying to be and how it all works. Or, doesn't work as the case may be. We'll also celebrate some of our favorite on air personalities like Chris "The Interrupter" Matthews and Chuck "The Moron" Todd and all the rest of the folks there at the "Liberal Fox News" network.

As always, our Canadian Bureau Chief Jamie Mapleleaf and the IWS Players will be along to entertain you and possibly make you think. Plus there will be wonderful witty banter and some very bad music. All this and YOUR CALLS @ 661.244.9852!

Sounds like a well-thought out and hilarious if not hurtful show. So, join them LIVE tomorrow from NOON-2 PM ET as IWS Radio presents: MSNBC Weasles Its Way Onto IWS Radio

To catch the show LIVE or later in archives click right HERE.

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