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Monday, April 16, 2012

What's Up With Jay Lately

Hola Y’all! I’m sure you are probably wondering what’s up with the old Jayman lately, so I thought I’d update you.

You know, weeks during the non-football playing parts of the year can be pretty slow and boring. Sure, there’s the NBA on Sunday’s (usually), but other than that, there isn’t crap on TV during the day or night until Mad Men comes on at 9 central Sunday. BTW, speaking of the NBA, it’s nice to see the refs are in “playoff mode” when it comes to helping the Lakers out in big games. The refs came up big for the Lakers making a couple of clutch no calls just when they were needed most.

Anyway, I watch NetFlix or HBO Go a lot on weekends. One thing about those two sites is that you kind of have to know what you want to watch before you get on there. Otherwise you can waste a ton of time scrolling through the different options and then not have time to watch anything. I prefer to watch TV series over movies. Nothing against movies but they just take too much commitment. TV shows or an HBO series are in half our or one hour increments which are much easier because I tend to lose focus after about an hour.

Saturday I tried to watch Bridesmaids. I watched the first hour and hardly even chuckled once. I guess the second hour is where all the funny is? Maybe I’ll go back and try hour two some other time. Which is my point about commitment, what ever happened to the 90 minute comedy? Two freaking hours of fart, poop and menstrual cycle jokes? I’ll pass.

I think I need to Tweet more. There are a lot of people who have no un-Tweeted thoughts. I should be more like them. Just Tweet things like “Damn that was a nice car.” Or “LOL .. People #Funny” and stuff like that. I follow this one chick, I probably shouldn’t put her full Twitter name here, (Redacted)DoobieFly who just Tweets whatever the hell is on her mind all day long. Normally that would annoy me, but for some reason she doesn’t.

What do you think she means by the “Doobie” and “Fly” part of her name? Maybe she’s a big Doobie Brothers fan and wants to be a pilot? Or a flight attendant? Or has always loved Wonder Woman? Yeah, I like the idea of Wonder Woman flying around in her invisible plane listening to the Doobies Brothers on the 8-track.

I need to get my haircut again. Actually, I needed to get it cut the day after the last time I got it cut two weeks ago. Man, that dude did a terrible job. I hope he’s making money off those Teat Party T-Shirts he sells cause I don’t think his barber skills are gonna pay the bills. I need to time this out so that I can also get my hair cut about week before Memorial Day so I’ll look at least semi-presentable when I see the family over in Yellville over Memorial Day Weekend. Anyway, my point is, don’t go to a barber because he’s never busy and you can get in and out quickly.

That same point probably goes for doctors too. I mean, if you walk into a doctor’s office and some dude in a white coat jumps up and grabs his stethoscope and a tongue depressor and is like “Come right on in! You’re next buddy!” you should probably run away as fast as you can. Although, I assume if you were going to the doctor you probably can run that fast anyway cause you’re sick, but you get the point.

And, uh, well, that’s pretty much it. As you can see I’ve been dealing with some pretty heavy-duty stuff the last few days.  Well, other than all the sadness and heartache. But, nobody ever wants to hear about that crap.


Also, just in case you didn’t get a chance to listen to Sunday’s “Local News” episode of IWS, you really should check it out. We covered wedding announcements, anniversaries, community events, Tea Party Rallies, local cover bands and oh so much more! Definitely give it a listen…

Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio


  1. "I tend to lose focus after about an hour..." It's a good thing our show is only 45 minutes long. And by the way..I thought this was a very mature posting by you. Cheers Jayman!!


  2. Netflix - Your que - Know whats wrong with it? You can have 100 things in the que but only 75 will show up on the TV. You think to yourself, didn't I just put some new stuff in the que? YOU DID!!

  3. Last time I had my haircut, I think the female Edward Sissorhands did it!

  4. nothing on this time of year...its playoff time in my second fav sport to football....hockey! theres mulitple games on every night. i had to come to work yesterday to get away from the bender of liquor cigars and hockey i was on all weekend

    nothing on!?

  5. Matt-Man: Thank you kind sir. It's nice that SOMEBODY out there recognizes that there's more to me than silly jokes and juvenile antics.


  6. Mike: NetFlix que is almost useless when two or more people share an account too. Wait? Is that legal? Oh well.


  7. Beth: Well at least your person actually cut your hair. I have to almost threaten mine to get him to actually cut it on top and thin it out.


  8. Jack: I did watch some playoff hockey last night. I like hockey because of the high intensity and physical play.


  9. I can give you suggestions on what to tweet so you can tweet more.

    1. Sigh.... Oh well.
    2. Music <3
    3. :(
    4. It's raining.
    5. It's not raining.
    6. It's sunny.

    These are useful tweets and not annoying at all. You're welcome.

  10. Gnetch: You are so very helpful! I especially like the "*SIGH* .. Oh well" one.


  11. this year especially - love the penguins philly matchup - cant fucking stand pitt - course my team lost in OT last night but thats what keeps it interesting
