What IWS Fans Are Saying

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

That's What Friends Are For

“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson

Yesterday, I received an e-mail from a listener, and she said in her e-mail…

Among other things…

From the bottom of my heart...thank you. You and Jay hold a special
place in my heart and I love being in your world, even if just a tiny
part of it.

Jay and I have been doing the website and radio show for over three years, and it would be nice to finally make some money from it, but this morning when I woke up to the following e-mail, and none of that mattered.

The worth of our website, and our show, was monetized in one simple e-mail.

And the worth of it, was turned to gold by that one e-mail.

Oh sure, Jay and I would like to one day make some money off of the show and website, but in the meantime…

If we get one e-mail a day like the one I posted, we would be pretty damn happy as well.

Jay and I do the show primarily for fun, to laugh, and to make others laugh, but a little coin never hurt nooooobody, unless it’s thrown in a manner of hate, and at high speeds, but I digress…

Sometimes, and I speak for myself (but Jay goes through the same thing), it takes 35-40 hours a week to post on the website every other day and get ready for the NUMBER ONE COMEDY SHOW on Blog Talk Radio, but..?

I love it.  Yet sometimes, I say to myself, “What the fuck; why the hell are we doing this?”  And then?

We get an e-mail like the one I printed above, and the hope of the monetary gain goes by the wayside, because the joy experienced by a listener is payment enough.

I know that this is a boring, and unfunny post, but it is a post of which I am most proud, because our little comedy show that could, changed the life of at least one person.

And really?  That’s all that matters.



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I'm With Stupid said...

It's all about bringing a smile to someone's lips and making people happy.


I'm With Stupid said...

Jay: Damn right. Cheers Jayman!!


jAMiE said...

Cheers to you, Matt-Man ...and to Jayman too!