What IWS Fans Are Saying

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What's Next for George Zimmerman

Holaaaaaaaaaaa y’all! So, I know what you guys are all thinking. You’re worried that George Zimmerman will forever be known as the guy who chased and eventually killed an unarmed black teenager named Trayvon Martin and his life is going to be sad and miserable. Nonsense! This is America people and there are always opportunities out there. Here’s a list of the things George might be able to do with his new found fame.

- Host a comedy podcast on BlogTalkRadio

- A new reality show on Bravo about an all-gay male nude dance troupe called The ZimmerMEN’s Folles.

- Other reality show ideas …

“On Patrol with George”
“Who’s Out There with George”
“Wandering the Streets with George”
“Fuck the Police with George”
“George Follows Black People Around”

- “Stand Your Ground” show every weekend hosted by George Zimmerman on Fox News

- Run for Sheriff of Seminole County Florida

- Become a mentor for Big Brothers/Big Sisters

- Gigolo

- Spokesman for the NRA

- New show on The Food Network “Cooking with George and Paula”

- Do a series of porn movies:

“George Comes at Night”
“George the Dick Stalker” (bi)
“George Knows how to Finish”
“George Gets Off”
“The Neighborhood Likes to Watch”

- Write a book?

“Why I Did It”
“I Didn’t Get Life”
“A Field Guide to Effective Neighborhood Watch Programs”
“In My Self Defense”

- And of course a new line of “The Zimmer” Hoodies

So, as you can see, George Zimmerman’s life is full of all kinds of opportunities to be happy and successful!


I'm With Stupid said...

It's good to see that a man who is decried in half of the court of public opinion can still make it in the corporate world. Caps off to you George!!



Fortune Cookies said...

Don't forget, he also gets sales revenue from his new bumper sticker, "I was FOR vigilantism before I was AGAINST it."

Unknown said...

I'm thinking freelance psychic...

He can roam the streets at night in his truck, running up to random strangers and warning them about bad things that are about to happen to them.

I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: America is a great that way. No matter how many unarmed teenagers he kills, there will always be a certain amount of support from Sean Hannity and his crowd.


I'm With Stupid said...

Angie: Oh of course! All of the sudden he's apposed to people taking the law into their own hands. Weird.


I'm With Stupid said...

Katy: Another good idea. He should probably just stick to warning black people in Florida and women in Texas though, just to be safe.


Mike said...

He can team up with Sarah Palin and hunt black people from helicopters.

Edita said...

I want that hoodie!

jAMiE said...

Love the porn ideas...not that I'm into it or anything.

You so clever, Jay!