What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Matt Said, Jay Said: 904.33

Matt mutters, Jay mumbles, You struggle to hear what was said ....

Matt: You’re phone bill is going to be enormous!
Jay: Parts of me already are.
Matt: Ewwwwwwww!
Jay: Don’t pretend that you’re not excited.
Matt: That’s what bothers me.
Jay: Stop fighting it and just accept it.
Matt: I will eventually, but I have to do these things at my own pace.

Matt: Where have you been tonight?
Jay: On Twitter.
Matt: Doing what?
Jay: Conversing with someone.
Matt: Oh really? Do I know him/her?
Jay: Oh yeah! Ms. Edita!
Matt: That’s hot!
Jay: Damn right. She listened to our Wed show and Tweeted it!
Matt: I think I’m in love.
Jay: Totally. I’m trying to get her to call in sometime.
Matt: Did she say she would?
Jay: She said she might “surprise” us.
Matt: I love surprises.
Jay: Maybe we’ll do a fashion show and feature her.
Matt: That’s a brilliant idea.

Jay: Who’s gonna win on Tuesday?
Matt: Well, I saw 973 pundits on TV today and they couldn’t agree.
Jay: Morons
Matt: I can’t believe how low the bar is to get a gig as a “pundit.”
Jay: We should make fun of them on the show.
Matt: We can do it!
Jay: And make our own predictions.
Matt: About the election and what will happen afterwards.
Jay: And things we would do if we were president.
Matt: And we just have to make fun of Dick Morris.
Jay: What a tool!
Matt: He’s a fucking moron.
Jay: Maybe we’ll come up with other great predictions he has made over the years.
Matt: Perfect.
Jay: And people can call with their predictions.
Matt: Phone lines are always open!
Jay: Just like our hearts!
Matt: And minds!
Jay: And legs!
Matt: Exac … what?
Jay: Sorry, I got carried away.
Matt: You need to learn some self-control.
Jay: I’ll work on it.
Matt: That’s all I can ask.

Okay kids, there’s another behind the scenes look at the making of the NUMBER ONE comedy show on Blog Talk Radio! Be sure to join us for “Pundits and Pinheads” on Sunday at 12 Noon ET (and don’t forget to fall back an hour). It’s gonna be another classic!

And, while you’re waiting for that show, check out Wednesday’s fun and games when we talked about Halloween, Hurricane Sandy and took a call from our favorite Canadian babe Jamie! It was a good time.

Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio


I'm With Stupid said...

Two words come to mind when I read this. Effortless and Brilliant. Cheers Jayman!!


Anonymous said...

I love effortless..

Jo said...

You're doing horoscopes now? The last time I had Chinese food my fortune cookie was empty.

Edita said...

I am full of surprises! Jay - don't you recall me suddenly reappearing in your blogging life? :D

Cuz that's how I roll, BOOM!

I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: I'm sure some people can think of other words to describe us.


I'm With Stupid said...

Miss: I'm as effortless as they come.


I'm With Stupid said...

Jo: And empty fortune cookie is a very ominous sign. I guess. I mean, it seems like it should be.


I'm With Stupid said...

Edia: Yes, one dark, lonely day I checked my email and BOOM! There you were! And suddenly the clouds parted and a wave of happiness swept over me. ;-)
