Hola y’all! Well, the election is almost a week old and it’s time for us all to move on to new things to obsess over. For most of us that will be the rapidly approaching Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa holidays. There may be a few others in there that I missed. Unless you’re the Secretary of State of Arizona cause that dude’s still got a lot of work to do since there are FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-FIVE THOUSAND ballots still to be counted there. What the hell are they doing out there? Working on their winter tans?
And of course David Petraeus has a few other things to worry about too. Like keeping all of his mistresses from getting into a huge cat fight. You’d think all those years of dealing with warring factions in Afghanistan would have given him the training he needed to handle some crazy chicks. Worse than that he now has to sleep on the couch with one eye open every night. You think he was already paranoid about how dangerous the world was? I guarantee you he’s far more worried about what Mrs. Petraeus might do to him.
And then there’s me. It’s not my style to brag or anything, but I don’t have to worry so much about the “hectic holiday season” like so many of you guys. I don’t have any kids (that I know of) so I don’t have to put with them asking “When is Santa coming?” every day. I don’t have a big family to buy for so I don’t need to make long lists and go on big shopping trips.
Since I never get invited to any holiday parties, I don’t have to worry about keeping my social calendar straight. Yup, I’m a simple man living a simple life. I’ll be kicked back, eating Christmas cookies and drinking Shiner Holiday Cheer Beer while you guys are wearing yourselves out trying to get everything done and juggle all your school, family and social obligations.

We’ve got a lot great stuff planned for the blog and the IWS Podcast for the holidays though. Okay, not really. I just said that because I starting to look a little pathetic there. Although I’m not sure what I’m worried about, this post is already four times longer than Matt’s post for yesterday was. Shit, I’m really worried about getting old after reading that one!
Anyway, the only thing I have on my holiday schedule is my annual trip to lovely, mysterious and exotic Omaha, Nebraska to hang out with my sister and brother in law. This Saturday, I’ll load up the car, check the air in the tires and make the 431 mile drive north to the Jewel of the Midwest for Thanksgiving week.
While I’m there and before things get crazy, I’ll do the bit of Christmas shopping that I’m not doing online. So, when I get home a week later all I have to do is get the already put together and mostly decorated fake Christmas Tree out of the closet and put it on the table and all my Christmas decorating will be done. After that, all I have to do is plan when I’m going to make the Christmas fudge and that’s it.
See? It’s a simple time of year folks.
My lovely, yet yellowish girlfriend may have cancer, and my boss' dad just died, and you make fun of the length of my post from yesterday? Good God Man, Have You No Decency!? Cheers!!
Matt-Man: You're such a victim. Always under assault. You learned this from Fox News, didn't you? ha
for me, the best part of the Petraeus scandal is that the head of the CIA was foiled by a hacked gmail account. Really? You trusted Gmail with your top secret extramarital sex scandal? Wow.
I almost hate the hectic holiday season now that I'm married to The Wifester. Before, when it was just me and I didn't speak to my family it was just lovely. No gifts to buy. No relatives houses to traipse off to only to to have to endure mediocre food and dull conversation. I rather enjoyed the solitude, and my own yummy cooking. That's all gone now. Sigh. At least her family is more entertaining than mine was.
Angie: See what happens when people get married and decide to be all social and shit? It's terrible! ha ;-)
Terrible I say! oh, and Man up, Matt! Quit yer bitchin' and put yer big boy panties on! And above all, make sure you're takin' real good care of your Schmoop - It ain't easy being yellowish.
I vote for Santa outfit number two with one and three coming in a close second.
I love the holidays, especially now that I have little ones and you can pretty much get them to pop with excitement by handing them a bobby pin if you add enough drama--"This is the stick...of DESTINYYYYYYY!"
Drive safely and don't join a cult.
Cookie: I'm sure Matt had to wear his big boy panties today cause it was pretty cold! ha
Mike: Always focusing on the important stuff!
Jo: And don't forget that for the next several years you can do the "Santa won't leave any presents if you're bad!" routine. ;-)
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