What IWS Fans Are Saying

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Name Calling is Unacceptable You Retards

Hola Bitches! Well, I see that fat, disgusting, drug-addled, gasbag Rush Limbaugh is out there calling people names again. This time he called Sandra Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute.” Well, isn’t it just like a needle-dicked, Viagra-popping, shit-bag like Limbaugh to stoop to such a level?

I’m not kidding folks. Rush a vile, duplicitous bastard. He’s a useless piece of human debris. I swear, he’s probably the most useless woman-hating, prick of all time. The only way he can get laid is to go to a Caribbean Island known for its drug and flesh trade, pop some Viagra and then pay big money for a sweet, fresh underage hooker.

I for one am sick and fucking tired of his name calling. I mean, that fuckwit can’t do anything but call other people names. You would think the idiot would come up with a new shtick by now.  But, I guess when you’re an ignoramus you’re too slow mentally to learn anything new. Maybe, if we keep up the pressure on him, this slimy, puss bag will someday realize that it’s simply not acceptable to call people names.

What that old douche bag Rush needs to do, is be more like Bill Maher. See, Bill is a real live woman-hating misogynist. Not someone who pretends to be a misogynist on the internet either. He’s the real fucking deal. But, women’s groups never protest him. Not even when he called Sarah Palin a “cunt.”

You know why? Politics? NOOOOOOOOOOO! How could you even imply such a thing you simpleton! No, it’s okay for Bill to hate on women because, while he’s a self-important blowhard, he’s not a meanie. And because he supports liberal causes. So, uh, yeah it’s politics. Fine. You got me. Fuckers.

Of course, there’s also the fact that Bill Maher is funny. I guess that’s why he bangs co-eds two at a time. That and his millions. That, his millions and the fact that he always has quality weed on him. But, I think that tells us more about women than it does men. But, we won’t get into that here.

Personally, I’m a little tired of the Fake Outrage Machine™. And, I honestly believe that the Language Police and other do-gooder groups that constantly have a cow over every little thing people say are not helping. They’re hurting. They’re having a chilling effect on the freedom of speech by turning everyone into a bland, politically correct drone.

As a colleague of Rush and Bill, and an internationally famous internet radio star, I worry about these groups too.  What? Oh laugh now, but I tell you what, while Rush might have 12,999,000 or so more listeners than I’m With Stupid, I would be willing to bet we’re pretty competitive with him in The Philippines. We’re big over there. Anyway, my point is, you can’t control people. You can protest. You can disagree. But, going after someone’s career or job simply because you disagree with them politically makes you no better than the person you’re going after.

See, if you’re famous you’re not allowed to say mean things that everyone else says all the time. You’re not allowed to make jokes based on racial stereotypes. Or gender. Or religion. Or anything funny. And if you do, the Language Police will be all over you. And the Language Police aren’t satisfied with anything short of ruining you and getting you fired.

And as for all you right-wingers who are defending Rush with such vigor, go as ask The Dixie Chicks how this whole thing works.



In other news we had another classic episode of “I’m With Stupid” this morning. We talked about Super Tuesday, a little bit about Rush and Sandra Slut Fluke and other fun stuff. Plus, our good friend and uber hottie Warrior_Kat called in to wish Jay a “Happy Birthday.” Things might have gotten a little weird. Well, Matt-Man and Jayman might have gotten a little weird. Kat was her usual charming self. So check it out!!! 

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I'm With Stupid said...

Great post. I love takin' it and dishin' it out, and if one can't take it? Don't whine, go live in your personal biosphere, ya big Mary. Cheers Jayman!!


Mike said...

In the Missouri state capital building outside the chambers of both houses is the hall of famous Missourians. Rush is from Missouri. A few days ago one of our red state wackos proposed putting a bust of Rush in the hall.

Dana said...

Oh sure! You had to post this on National Eliminate the R-Word Day, didn't you?

Reminds me an awful lot of someone who wrote a scathing, African-American, name-calling post during Black History Month! ;-)

I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: There are a lot of very sensitive people out there. Unless they're the ones dishing it out.


I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: Missouri has so few heroes.


I'm With Stupid said...

Dana: Which helps proves my point. Comparing satirical posts to raging racists is part of the problem. YOU are part of the problem Dana!! ;-)


I'm With Stupid said...

Beth: I'll sugar coat whatever you want babe. Or something.


Jenny said...

LOVE it :D I heard about the Sarah thing but I didn't hear the whole story. What was he ragging on her about? I know it was something to do with birth control. I should go Google it 'cause now my righteousness has gotten my interest up.

I'm With Stupid said...

Jenny: There's nothing hotter than when a woman's righteousness is all fired up.

Oh and Hola and welcome!! ;-)


I'm With Stupid said...

Beer: I loooooooove Bill Hicks. I remember that bit too. Great stuff.


Jo said...

You're a very inventive dirty-talker.

I knew we were in trouble when Tipper Gore started slapping potty-mouth stickers on CD covers while tonguing her husband on TV, and people actually thought it was a great idea.