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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

There's Weird Shit Going On Around Here

Hola y’all! Sometimes, I’m not the most observant guy. I mean, my next door neighbor shot himself last fall and I totally missed it. Didn’t hear or notice a thing. Well, until I looked outside and saw six city cops, the chief of police and a dude in a green jacket that said “Coroner” on it.

But, there are other things that I do notice. Usually I notice things that don’t really matter, but seem odd. And things around town or here at the palatial estates that just freaking drive me crazy.

One of these things is a neighbor’s Mitsubishi Montero and its flat tire. It’s not abnormal to see cars with flat tires in our parking lot. There are nails, screws, glass and other items all over the place and the lot is never swept or cleaned. What’s odd about this one is the guy who owns the Montero is driving it on that flat tire.

Every day for a week I would go out there in the morning and I was see that Montero parked in a different spot. Yet, it still had that flat tire! WTH dude? Do you think he didn’t notice it? Then on Sunday I noticed that the tire was no longer flat and I felt much better about things.

Well, I did until Tuesday. That’s when I noticed that once again, that tire was about halfway down. And, take a wild guess what happened today? You got it. I noticed the tire was flat again AND it was parked in a different spot! Come on!

It would only cost like $7 to fix the flat dude. Hell, I’ll help take up a collection if you need me to. You’re lucky thing hasn’t shredded yet. Actually, why hasn’t it? I guarantee you mine would have. Totally unfair.

But that isn’t the only thing I keep seeing in the parking lot that bugs me. I have another neighbor who I think is running some kind of social experiment. He has a truck with a camper on it, but the camper and tailgate are both open. The truck has only been moved once in the last three weeks.

Sitting right there in the truck bed is an open case of Ozarka bottled water and a bucket full of lunch sized bags of Doritos. I’m pretty sure my neighbor is just seeing how long it will take before someone steals a bottle of water or a bag of chips or both.

And when it finally happens he’ll probably yell “I KNEW IT! PEOPLE CAN’T BE TRUSTED!”

Actually, I thought about stealing one myself just to see if that’s what he was really doing. But, I’m afraid the truck is booby trapped. It would be just my luck to grab a bottle of water and have the gate and camper close on me and trap me with my legs hanging out of the back until the owner hit the little button on his remote to release me. Hell, he probably sits by his window watching and waiting. Well, I’m not gonna fall for it buddy!

Of course, I could just ask him, but that wouldn’t be any fun at all.

Email: Jayman3768@gmail.com
Twitter: @Jayman_IWS


Also, today on I’m With Stupid Podcast we talked about mean girls, Prop 8, Susan B Komen, Rick Santorum and all kinds of other stuff. We just kind of meandered along through the show like a river of awesomeness. You should totally check it out as we would be most appreciative! 

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Mike said...

You need to start putting stuff IN the truck.

Beth said...

Are you sure you don't really live in our apartment complex?

I'm With Stupid said...

If there is stuff like dogs sleeping with cats going on as well, you need to get the hell out of there. Pronto. Cheers Jayman!!


I'm With Stupid said...

Mike: Ha! That's a great idea. I think I'll add a bag of cookies to his snacks supply.


I'm With Stupid said...

Beth: Ghettos are the same everywhere.


I'm With Stupid said...

Matt-Man: Luckily nothing crazy like that has happened. So far!


Gnetch said...

You just made me buy Doritos. Like, I want Doritos right now.

Or maybe I'll just look for it on Pinterest and repin it. It might help satisfy my craving.

Also, I think your neighbor is up to something. You're being Punk'd. Or something like that.

I'm With Stupid said...

Gnetch: Mmmm Doritos. All my clothes have Nacho Cheese stains on them. ;-p
