What IWS Fans Are Saying

Sunday, November 20, 2011

IWS Babe of the Week: Gobble Gobble

The Holiday Season officially kicks off this week across this great land of ours, and it's no different here at the vast media empire of I'm With Stupid.

However, unlike most of America and all of Madison Avenue we don't ignore Thanksgiving. And, to honor those pesky pilgrims who braved the elements, sickness, and funny clothes, we say thank you, and let us getteh jiggy with it...

Mmmmmm, oh how I'd love to churn Abigail's butter...

If Poconaughty ever said "How" to me I'd show her how.

And of course the day after Thanksgiving millions of American hit the stores during "Black Friday".  I never participate, but if this is what I could get on sale during Black Friday, maybe I'd change my mind.

Gobble Gobble,



I'm With Stupid said...

OHHHHHH Yeah! Yeah! I know what I'm thankful for now.


I'm With Stupid said...

Jayman: Amen. Now, let's eat. Cheers Jayman!!


Unknown said...

She would look nice @ Black Girls Bound!