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Thursday, February 11, 2016

Roses, Restraining Orders, and Repentance

LIVE THIS SUNDAY February 14, 2016 from Noon-2 PM ET join IWS Radio as Jay and Matt get lovey-dovey, funky and uber-sarcastic with Valentine's Day.

Here's a sample of the Love-Fest you will experience...

Join Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio gang as they celebrate love and at the same time mock those who see Valentine's Day as an important day on which to validate and boost the fragile self-esteem of others with roses, candy, and ginormous teddy bears hooked on Ursine Growth Hormones (UGH). Also...

The IWS crew and the live-wired folks in the chat room will discuss the creepy side of "love" that is the art and science of stalking. Be it in every day life or through Social Media outlets stalkers are everywhere, and Jay and Matt will discuss the do's and dont's of good/bad stalking techniques.

Also, the 2016 Lenten Season is upon us. Are you giving up anything or going to try to be a better person over the next 40 days? Will Jay and Matt? They along with Jamie Mapleleaf, and you the callers who call-in at 661.244.9852 will discuss all of these things as IWS Radio presents: Roses, Restraining Orders, and Repentance.

Awwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhh. Let the love and the comedy flow. So, join us LIVE this Sunday from Noon-2 PM ET or catch the show later in archives by playing our IWS LOVE Machine: