What IWS Fans Are Saying

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dr. Ben Carson Finds IWS Radio Pleasantly Amusing

Greetings my fellow citizens...Dr. Ben Carson here for IWS Radio. I very much enjoyed listening to
this past Sunday's Two Hour Macabre Comedy Hour that was put on by Jay, Matt, and the fine folks at IWS Radio.

It was a pleasant experience listening to podcasting pals catching up with each other after being off two weeks. The show opened up with plenty of witty folksy banter between the two.

Matt waxed whimsically about his aches, pains, and the Beer Mine. Jay shared a story about ogling a super model while fondling potatoes or some such silliness. Hee.

The show was non-stop fun with Bobby Kraft imparting an eerily funny story about the Crooked Creek Creep. I shivered with laughter and delighted in listening to bits of old scary movie clips from The Screaming Skull to The Tingler just to name a few.

Rev. Jim the Wiccan chanted, Rev. Pat Robertson brought the crazy, and Robert the Taylor sang a Halloween song. He should sing more often because it's the only time you can understand what the Scottish Euro-Trash fellow is saying.

I even got into the act by reading a scary short story titled Solo Hiking, Slyder Balzcock followed up a story called Mommy's Home and the internet was brought to its feet when the IWS Radio Players performed an epic rendition of Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.

As America's foremost conservative, Evangelical pediatric brain surgeon, I encourage you all to get in the Halloween spirit with IWS Radio by listening to Sunday's show below. It'll good for your body and your soul.

Your in Christ,
Ben Carson

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