What IWS Fans Are Saying

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jeb Bush And His Black Left Hand LOVE IWS Radio

Hello my fellow hard working American patriots. I took a break from the campaign trail this past weekend to do two things that I have always wanted to do...

Listen to the Five Year Anniversary broadcast of the IWS Radio Show, and help to bring about racial harmony in our country by having my left hand surgically altered to be that of a black man.

And I have two words for you on how I fared with those two items...

Mission Accomplished!!

Anyway...Jay and Matt put on a spectacular show this past Sunday, and here's a very efficient, executive type synopsis of the show...

Matt-Man foiled a drug intake incident, and like me, fostered racial harmony with a couple of color who wanted cheap cherry wine.

Jayman discussed the Missionary position with an older couple for an hour while sitting at the pharmacy.

Jesse Ferg gave a fire and brimstone tongue lashing to non-church-goers.

We re-lived the tragedy of Tammy Tibbles' death at the hands of ISIS.

Sarcastic Sam gave again his warning to any man who wants to get married

Bobby Kraft brought down the house with his Pulitzer Prize winning poem, "Maybe."

Thankfully, and yet sadly, Slyder Balzcock was the only IWS correspondent who chimed in with a Happy Anniversary wish for Jay and Matt.

Schmoop called-in from the bathroom and while she had a potty mouth, the acoustics were outstanding!!

Nurse Sherri and Jamie Mapleleaf chimed in as well, and the bad music oozed all over the place.

It was a great show, and you should give it a listen, because if you don't, the terrorists win and Dick Head Donald Trump will call you a loser.

So, to catch all of the IWS hilarity, listen below on the handy dandy player, and God Bless America!!