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Monday, August 3, 2015

Dan Hamm Loves IWS Radio

I am the newest member of the IWS Radio team, and let me tell ya, I love it as much as I have

I made my debut yesterday, and I had a good time, and I got my first check from IWS Radio which forces me to, for the first time in my life, learn how to budget, and I appreciate Jay and Matt for having to learn that skill.

Anyway, yesterday's show was pretty awesome...
Matt gave directions to a lost soul sixty miles from his destination and Jayman had to pee at 4:30 Sunday morning.

They had a great looking chat room that was prettier than cell B-17 at Auschwitz... claimed Mike Huckabee.

Bill O'Reilly tried to make sense of Sarah Palin.

Keith Olbermann was all sorts of fucked up and was more or less incoherent.

Martin meditated us into a serene sense of serentiy and well, hot creepiness.

Schmoop was ubiquitous and she didn't even know it.

Between David Letterman and Rick Perry, one couldn't understand their Scottish guest, and the other was incomprehensible.

Jayman had a plethora of summer sounds that has ruined last few days, while Matt Man was being creeped out by the ice cream truck.

On the upside, a surprisingly sober Party Marty actually answered his phone, and told us that in spite of his 35th Class Reunion, he wasn't hungover.

Very unfortunate for the listeners, but good for Marty.

There was also a lot of bad music, interspersed, so give it a listen, it's twice the fun at half the cost...