What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Matt Said, Jay Said 3.14159265359

Matt babbles, Jay babbles, You pretend to listen.

Matt: Cheers!
Jay: Hola!
Matt: What do you want?
Jay: You
Matt: Sick Fuck
Jay: That makes you hot
Matt: I’m a little uncomfortable right now
Jay: Me too

Jay: So how’s Schmoop?
Matt: Well the surgery went well
Jay: That’s good.  Anything else?
Matt: Oh yea, she DOES NOT have cancer!
Matt: Yeah, that was pretty good news.
Jay: DAMN good news!
Matt: They still don’t really know what the blockage was.
Jay: Well, Doritos Nacho Dust can pack in there pretty tight.
Matt: True, or maybe some meat-like substances from Taco Bell
Jay: Or some of that Skyline Chili shit.
Matt: NOBODY knows what that stuff is.
Jay: Maybe nachos?
Matt: A tortilla chip might have gotten caught sideways in there.
Jay: The possibilities are endless.
Matt: And I’m fine with any of them as long as it isn’t cancer.
Jay: Damn right!

Matt: So what are we talking about on this week’s show?
Jay: Well I guess we should talk about the single life
Matt: We are a couple of swinging bachelors currently.
Jay: Damn right. Wild and crazy bachelors who get sleepy by 9:30
Matt: Well, maybe our prime is a little behind us
Jay: But, we can still talk about meals for one
Matt: And how to enjoy being alone.
Jay: Pros and Cons of single life!
Matt: There you go!
Jay: This is gonna be awesome
Matt: It’s gonna be HUGE!
Jay: I’m kind of excited about it
Matt: I’m going to get uncomfortable again
Jay: I’ll tone it down
Matt: I don’t think you know how to
Jay: You’re right
Matt: Okay, I think we’re ready!
Jay: Sweet! See you on the air dude!
Matt: Laterz!

Okay, there you have it kids. Schmoop is apparently cancer free and we’re going to be Baching It this weekend on IWS! Join us for all the wild and crazy fun!


  1. This show is going to be sooooooo HOT!!


  2. And by the way...I hate you...That picture makes me hot. No, I'm not kidding.


  3. 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 ...

    I knew Schmoop was going to be OK but was not allowed say anything about it.

  4. 3:8:29:44:1 (that's pi sexagesimal style) Sexy, right?

    I'm so truly happy for you all that Beth is going to be okay. Now she can enjoy her morphine and maybe start planning to have contraband burgers snuck into the hospital.

  5. Yay for Schmoop...now if Matt can just behave til she gets home safe and sound, all will be right with the world...unless of course Jay leads Matt astray?

    Looking forward to the show tonight!

  6. Matt-Man: That pic makes everyone hot!


  7. Mike: Well, if you had jinxed it ...


  8. Jo: That sexagesimal stuff is sooooooo hawt!


  9. Jamie: Ha! Matt doesn't need my help in being led astray. hehe

