What IWS Fans Are Saying

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Everything Just Sucks

Hola y’all. You know, back in the day, like a month or so ago, I was a pretty positive person. No matter how bad things looked or seemed, I always just felt like we would all muddle through and things would improve and eventually be okay. Those days are over though.

Everything sucks and it just isn’t going to get any better. We’re in free fall and there isn’t a big air bag to land on and save us. Every single thing that happens is for the worse, not just the big stuff like bad economic numbers, college presidents, athletic directors and coaches covering a child rape scandal or mass shootings either. Nothing is getting any better.

In a comment on the amazing Jo’s blog a couple of weeks ago I said this:

“I don't think people are running out of compassion, I just think the people without any are the ones we hear from the most.” 

Why the hell would I write such bullshit? I mean, it’s quite obviously not true. People in general are way less compassionate then they used to be. I guess maybe I was just trying to be positive and pretend like we’re not going to shit as a people. And worse than that, most people seem to be bragging about their lack of compassion, not to mention bragging about being shitty family members, shitty friends, shitty parents and just shitty all-around people. Being shitty is suddenly something to be proud of.

President Obama may not lack compassion, but he does look as though he is fairly comfortable with unemployment above 8% and poverty rates near record levels for the foreseeable future. Oh yeah, I forgot, it’s ALL the other side’s fault. Speaking of the other side, Mitt Romney, a man who lies with every breath he takes, doesn’t even try to hide is contempt and hatred for those “regular Americans.” You know, the people Sarah Palin claims to represent.

And wasn’t it special seeing America’s White Trash Sweetheart’s three year old grandson call his Aunt a “Faggot” on Bristol Palin’s reality show? Yes, yes it was. What’s that? Oh, Bristol insists that Tripp didn’t say “Faggot” but instead said “Fuck it,” and that she’s not “proud” of what he said. That’s makes it all okay. Also, Bristol is apparently unaware of this new invention in the entertainment industry called “editing” where they take things you’re not “proud” of out of the final product.

Of course how you feel about all that depends on the political party you are a member of. Everyone must go to their favorite partisan blogs to find out how they feel about Tripp Palin’s potty mouth and everything else in the world. EVERY-THING from politics to sports to movies, to television to music to books to anything else you can think of can only be discussed in partisan political terms. There are two extreme positions to choose from, white or black and that’s it. No gray areas allowed.

We don’t need context for Obama’s “you didn’t build that” comment or Ann Romney’s “you people” line. We know what they meant. They meant what we desperately wanted them to mean and it confirms our dislike of them and makes us feel better about our views. Any evidence that we’re wrong is met with anger. We will not tolerate having our world view challenged.

But, don’t worry y’all. All summer long President Obama and Mitt Romney will keep telling us that we’re all exceptional just by virtue of being Americans. So, at least we’ve got that going for us.



  1. My boyfriend gave some change to this shirtless guy tonight who claimed it was for bus fare. We were pretty sure he was lying, but who cares. It was still 90 degrees at 8:00 at night and if he could get a cold beer and cool off, more power to him. I told my dad about the incident, just mentioning it in conversation, and he says "oh God, you found yourself another Goddamn liberal, didn't you. See, if you were conservative and dated other conservatives, you'd tell that pathetic piece of shit to get a job!" So, yeah, whether or not to give a few quarters to a homeless guy is now a partisan issue. *EYE ROLL*

    Don't give up hope though, Jay. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. And when God closes a door, he opens a window! That set of footprints belonged to Jesus! Also, a stitch in time saves nine, don't forget the courtesy flush, and if someone offers you a breath mint, take it.... (IOE, we are totally doomed. People are assholes and I only see it getting worse.)

  2. 'to their favorite partisan blogs'

    That's why I come here. To find out the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

  3. Almost every day I see a pretty young guy take his mother out for a walk. She is in a wheel chair, very frail, and suffers from what appears to be consequences of a stroke. He walks with her as she leans on him for support. He engages her with passers- by and whispers encouraging words to her. He could easily be selfish and pre occupied with his own needs. Probably few would argue with him if he put his mother in a home with people "more qualified" to take care of her. But he takes care of his mom instead. I know that mom is proud of her son, I know they love each other. It seems such a simple thing but when I see that, I know the world is going to be ok. Good people just need to stop accepting bad people and fight for what is right.

  4. I meant that the guy is rather young, not "pretty" Just wanted to make that clear!

  5. I think we're a nation of selfish, wounded, desensitized, searching people. We have so much to give, but there's all this crap that stands in for conscious living...religion, politics, fanatic lifestyle opinions, the apparent god-given federally-sanctioned right to only give a damn about one's own.

    The comments I had from that post were so optimistic, I took it to mean I know some of the nicest people...people who will pull over to help a stranded person, and maybe not step over a homeless person in the street like they're garbage. But, I still think as a species we're becoming a nightmare.

    What do we do about it?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Everyone needs a kitten, puppy, or baby hippo.

  8. Lisa: See? That's another thing. Why can't someone just do something for another human being without being verbally assaulted for it? You know, some cities are actually trying to outlaw feeding homeless people? How anti-Christian is that? Making it illegal to give a hungry human being food?

    No, it's not going to get better.


  9. Mike: We are the light, the truth and uh, other stuff.


  10. Monkey63: That is a very nice story and does make me feel a little better.


  11. Jo: I wonder if most people keep trying to be optimistic publicly in the hopes that things really will turn around?

    I don't know what to do about it. Negativity is much easier.


  12. Jo: Pets do lessen stress and make people feel better and happier about things. Free puppies and/or kitties for everyone!!!

    And maybe an Alpaca, cause they're kinda cool.


  13. The American political and news media landscapes blow. Many in this nation, especially so-called leaders and professional news people have become less than exceptional, they have become a bad joke. Cheers Jayman!!

