What IWS Fans Are Saying

Sunday, March 18, 2012

They're Coming After Our Happiness

Hola Happy People! It’s March Madness time again! Oh yeah baby! Hours and hours of college basketball started yesterday and will continue for three weeks. Or is it four. Hell, it might be five, I don’t know.

What I do know is that this means we will be inundated with stories about how much the NCAA Tournament costs companies in lost productivity. Every year it’s the same. And every year it’s pretty much bullshit. If you listen to these people you’d think that the average American worker just screws his employer over on a daily basis. According to articles written in publications and discussed on cable news channels owned by HUGE corporations, Americans are so fucking underworked and overpaid it’s just ridiculous.

Along with that, we’ll also get all kinds of stories of police departments all over the country raiding people’s homes and arresting them for running a NCAA Tourney Pool. And then they’ll act like they busted the fucking Corleone family and shut down the gambling rackets.

God forbid you should have a little fucking enjoyment out of life. If you put five bucks into a tournament pool and pick the games with hopes of winning the astronomical sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, then we’ll bring the entire weight of our armed police forces down on you. Then prosecute you using our army of publicity (and higher office) seeking prosecutors with nearly unlimited resources.

Politicians love to talk about “liberties” being under assault. And while that’s true there’s something else that is under a full frontal assault in this country:

Our Happiness.

More than anything else it’s the things that make us happy, or give us pleasure, that politicians and do-gooder groups are going after. People like Rick Santorum and his promise to have the government go after pornography, Mika Brzezinski and Michael Bloomberg’s Food Police and other groups on the left who go after smokers, and on the right who go after drinking and gambling are trampling on your pursuit of happiness. They’re so afraid that you might be getting a little pleasure out of life and they’re bound and determined to stop it.

There are still others who think you might be getting too much enjoyment out of the internet and would like to heavily regulate it. Some people think you shouldn’t be allowed to watch certain TV shows even on premium channels. Hell, some groups don’t even want you to see certain comic strips because they’re dealing with subjects THEY are uncomfortable with.

These people won’t be happy until we’re all completely miserable. Oh, and until they have full control over every aspect of our lives. I swear, they make me want to light up a cigarette (or a doobie), open a bottle of Wild Irish Rose and watch a dirty movie on my computer while also watching Good Christian Bitches on TV and munching down on a HUGE all meat pizza all while placing a bet on a basketball game with my bookie and getting a hummer from a prostitute.

Okay, maybe that’s a little extreme and “all things in moderation” and some of those things are illegal, but who fucking cares! More than anything else we should be sure not to let these politicians and do-gooders take away our happiness while claiming to be “protecting our liberties”. And, most importantly, we shouldn’t let them doing it in the name of "morality"



Speaking of being happy and we were, Sunday on I’m With Stupid Matt-Man and I brought the happy on “The Feel Good Show!” We talked about people place and things that make us happy. We talked about making other people happy and how that makes us happy. And we even talked about how just seeing our friends happy actually makes us happy.

Try as we might, we couldn’t get anyone to call in and be happy with us, which was a little sad, but we’re professionals so we kept up the feel good attitude all the way through. And, of course we made EVERYONE happy by having another Pee Break with Schmoop segment.

So, help spread the happy by listening early and often. As always, we appreciate your listening.

Listen to internet radio with Im With Stupid on Blog Talk Radio


  1. I have but one word for you...Mika!!

    I understand that the pic of her and Bloomy fits and is relevant, but c'mon man...do an artist's conception or something. I looooooathe her. Cheers Jayman!!


  2. You're going to get arrested because the government is not getting a cut of the action.

  3. I agree, there's a War Against Happiness going on.

    If they want to take my BBQ and banana pudding away, they'll have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

  4. Matt-Man: I tried to find a life-sized pic of Mika wearing a short skirt just for you. But, went with that one instead.


  5. Mike: The govt always wants its share of the action.


  6. Duckbutt: The day they come after BBQ is the day we should pack up and move to Canada or something.


  7. I'm so glad you're talking about this. I was just ranting about the Lifestyle Police yesterday. It doesn't even matter what they're witch-hunting, it's that they manage to get normal folks to join in...and that's how scary shit we-never-thought-would-happen happens.

    But on the plus side, we might get to be revolutionaries! I don't really want to shave my head or wear a beret, so we'll have to work that out.

  8. Jo: Not to worry. The IWS Revolutionary Army will allow people to wear their hair as they please and won't force any headgear on anyone either. We'll come up with a secret handshake to be able to identity each other as a member of the team.


  9. As long as I can still watch YouTube and read blogs and Tweet and Facebook and Pinterest, I'll be fine.

  10. Gnetch: Actually, there are a lot of people who would love to limit your enjoyment of the internet too. These people are evil!!

