What IWS Fans Are Saying

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Matt Said...Jay Said XX

Matt nämnda…Jay nämnda…Du, Lyssnar

Jay:  Helllllooooooo?  Helllllllooooo?
Matt:  Yeah, I’m here.
Jay:  There’s this chick from Ghana who wants to be my friend on Facebook.  Her name is Alphonsa Demolay.
Matt:  Well, did you friend her back?
Jay:  Not yet, I smell something suspicious.
Matt:  Does she have any other friends?
Jay:  No, just me.
Matt:  That is suspicious.

Jay:  Hey that chick you put on your Facebook page that is “Wearin’ the Green?”
Matt:  Yeah?  She’s hot isn’t she?
Jay:  Hot?  She’s disgusting!!
Matt:  What the hell?
Jay:  Dude, she looks like a defensive lineman for the Patriots, and those boobs?
Matt:  Gimme a brea---
Jay:  Those aren’t anywhere near real, and even if they are, they are way too big.  Freakish even.
Matt:  Are you saying you don’t like her?
Jay:  Oh I’m sure she’s a nice girl, but man, join the circus already.

Matt:  So what are we doing this Sunday on the show?
Jay:  I think we should do a show about stuff that makes us feel good.  Stuff that gives us the, “warm fuzzies.”
Matt:  That’s incredibly gay, but I have nothing on this end that is any better.
Jay:  Well…get something.  C’mon, you know down deep you are sensitive and caring.
Matt:  I used to be…but then I turned ten.
Jay:  Seriously it will be good…We’ll talk the entire time in reassuring, female NPR voices.
Matt:  That could be very soothing, which is good considering everyone listening will have a St. Patrick’s Day hangover.

Jay:  So…the warm and fuzzy feel good idea is a go?
Matt:  Yes, I am already thinking of things that make me feel good.
Jay:  Me too and I already posted this question to others on Facebook…“What makes you feel good?”
Matt:  Any feedback yet?
Jay:  Other than your crass, “Olive Oil and Tyra Banks” remark, the lovely Jo said, “Jay makes me feel good.”
Matt:  Mmmmmmmmmm, Jo.
Jay:  Back off.
Matt:  Easy fella.

Jay:  So we will do the “Feel Good Show” this Sunday, aight?
Matt:  That’s a big 10-4, Good Buddy.
Jay:  It will be a winner.
Matt:  As it always is.  Later…
Jay:  “click click click”  What?

And you can join us Sunday at Noon EDT for the Feel Good Show on Blog Talk Radio by clicking HERE and/or calling in at 661.244.9852.



  1. The greene girl looks like she could beat the shit out of anybody whe wanted too.

  2. Mike: Maybe so, but I find a little intimidation to be sexy. Cheers Mike!!


  3. I prefer the subtle intimidation of ninja skills over this chicks brute force.


  4. Happy St. Patty's Day!

    The '80s were bad for one-piece swimsuits. And buff women. And shell necklaces. Very bad.

    Matt has a soft, gooey center.

    Jay, I happen to be a ninja :O

  5. Jay: That's because you are such a submissive freak. Cheers Jayman!!


  6. Jo: That's true, but my soft, gooey center is hidden by my rock hard abs...or something. Cheers Jo!!

