What IWS Fans Are Saying

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Almost as Hot as Bradley Cooper and Lady Ga Ga

The smell of Oscar is in the air, and since there is no host this year, Jay, Matt, and the IWS Radio gang are on the red carpet and here to fill the void. However, since neither Jay nor Matt have seen any of the movies nominated this year, we will just be talking about our favorite movies. And not only that...Bobby Kraft, Dixie Ozark, Jamie Mapleleaf, Matt, and Schmoop will be recreating their fave movies scenes LIVE via digital recording.

Combine that with the always witty banter, good/bad songs, booze tasting and your calls at 661.244.9852, and it's going to be an Academy Award winning show. So, join us as IWS RAdio presents: Cinematic Hilarity With Jay, Matt, And Oscar

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